Sunday 2 June 2024

Thursday 30th May 2024

Alarm at 0700. Rolled out of bed and staggered downstairs to make tea. Dad already sat at the kitchen table having his cereal. Set off for Gosforth at 0815…I drove dad in to the Freeman hospital in Mum’s Up! Parked up in a disabled bay in the visitors car park, not realising this would mean a quarter mile long walk through the endless corridors of the south wing of the hospital. Got to the Nuclear Medicine clinic on time, and dad was called in fairly promptly...I went to the cafe to find a my surprise, dad wandered into the cafe just as I had paid up. He had had some kind of fluid injected into his system, prior to a full body scan...we were told to come back in about two hours, so we decided to drive over to Kingston Park, so I could buy some odds and ends ahead of tonight's dinner. Got him back to the Freeman in good time for his scan...I went for a walk through nearby Paddy Freeman Park...needless to say it started raining. Got back to the hospital by noon, and was again surprised to see father in the cafe...thought they'd take longer with the scan...we sat and had a coffee and a bun, then walked back down the long corridor to the car park. The staff suggested the scan results wouldn't be ready until early next week. Drove home. Spent the afternoon cooking...made a bolognese, which we had with tagliatelle for dinner. Sat and watched a bit of telly before bed...

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