Woke around 0800. Got up and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Warmed up Aki's beetroot soup to take for lunch. Ventured northward on inspections, heading up the A10 to Hoddesdon. Stopped off at M&S in Cheshunt on the way. Inspections then took me on to Ware. Had my soup in the car park at Tesco in Hatfield, then drove on to Stevenage, Baldock, and ended the working day in Biggleswade. Had an interesting interview with a tenant at a bungalow in Hatfield. He didn't want to let me in, as he was so pissed off with the incompetent contractors Peabody had hired to put in a new kitchen. He re-enacted several moments when he had yelled and sworn at some official who had come round to follow up his complaints, and started going on about Grant Schapps, who turns out to be his local MP...he mentioned his name half-a-dozen times, spitting forcefully into his flower bed on each occassion...god help Grant if he goes canvassing in the vicinity!!! Headed back down the A1. Got home at 1800. Aki had cooked the pork shoulder with BBQ sauce, which we had with butter beans and vegetables, followed by rhubarb mousse. I worked at the computer for another hour or so. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...
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