Monday 22 January 2024

Monday 22nd January 2024

Very windy woke me up at about 0400, sounding like a jet engine in the back yard! No signs of any damage when I got up at 0915, though. Made some tea to take to Aki, who languished in bed feeling a bit under the weather. I porridged at the computer. Ventured out on inspections in east London. Had my soup in the car park at Sainsburys in Whitechapel, and grabbed a coffee on the Whitechapel Road. Weather not too bad, though it got quite windy on occassion. Got home around 1815. Aki warmed up her delicious mapo, which we ate with rice and a vegetable stir fry. Watched a bit of telly, and read some more of the excellent "A Thousand Moons" before bath and bed...

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