Tuesday 16 January 2024

Monday 15th January 2024

Woke at 0800. Got up and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Nic Campos had sent me a script he's been working up...he needs another actor to help stand it up. Started reading it, but I can't say I was enthused. However, I'm not averse to the notion of helping him out...he needs encouragement. It's a tough job writing anything, let alone a play! Ventured out into the cold to do inspections in Hackney. Had some inspections at the sister block to the one I lived in with Tony at Paradise Park. It's not wearing well, and the large water feature that lay between the two blocks has been drained, apparently because the residents complained about very raucous nesting Egyptian geese! Had my lunch in the Millfields cafe. Ended the day in Dalston, having managed to get into another nine properties...nearly half way there! Got home about 17.45. Aki cooked a chicken teriyaki for dinner. Watched a bit of telly, and read some "Twist" before bath and bed...

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