Thursday 4 January 2024

Wednesday 3rd January 2024

Aki up early to ready herself for the cycle ride to the Rowing Club. I got up around 0900 and made myself porridge and tea, and went back to bed to read "Oliver Twist" for a bit. Eventually got up...phoned Andy G to see if he had any work for me...a couple of Peabody portfolios to look at this month. Phoned Katrina's old mate Keith, in Consett...he was after some advice regarding on-going damp problems with his Victorian end terrace house. As he's thinking of selling up, I suggested he'd have to bite the bullet and seek the advice of a Building Surveyor...he has roof leaks as well as rising damp, by the sounds of it. I popped out for a brisk walk to the Central Library to return a book, and walked back via Franchi’s where I bought an Allen key. Aki was cooking lunch when I got in. Pottered about for the afternoon getting not very much done. Mum FaceTimed early evening for a wee chat...she's missing Kath's company this evening. Cooked a quick chicken tikka masala for dinner; very tasty...from a kit I bought in Waitrose...just add chicken!!! Watched episode 1 of the new season of "Traitors" before bath and bed...

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