Friday 5 January 2024

Friday 5th January 2024

Woke around 0900. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and porridged. Managed about a hour doing exercises for feet and my neck. Did half an hour or so at the computer submitting my expense claims and December timesheets. Made a tasty parsnip and carrot soup for lunch, then embarked on an attempt to make orange and whisky creme caramels…first attempt was a failure, but second time was a glorious success. We took the kitchen tap apart in a bid to give the faucet a clean, and stop the din every time we turn the taps on! Also changed the cold water bush bodies and barrels to stop the dripping. The result was definitely an improvement. Cooked a chicken and mushroom pasta sauce with walnuts and Parmesan. Watched "WILTY" and "Traitors" before bath and bed...

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