Saturday, 6 January 2024

Saturday 6th January 2024

Woke around 0900. Languished in bed for an hour reading, before rising to cook brunch...Aki had to pop out to the bakery around the corner, as we'd run out of bread. Finalised the Wot's Hip with the Chadster 2023 playlist, then listened to it back whilst doing my exercises. Ventured into Kings Cross...picked up a bus from the north end of Caledonian Road, and got off near the Regents Canal, and did the short walk to Coal Drops Yard via the canal towpath. Browsed in Paul Smith, and APC, then wandered down to Carhaart, but couldn't find anything in the sales. 

Walked on to St Pancras and to Gant, where my click and collect order was awaiting me...a khaki fleece jacket. Tried it on in the shop, and hated it, so tried some troosers on instead, but they didn't have my size...had to order them from the warehouse, so will have to go back next weekend! Popped in to Waitrose and bought a chunky sirloin steak, then caught a No.259 bus back to Holloway. I cooked the steak, and Aki made a tasty cream and whiskey sauce to go with it; had the orange and whiskey creme caramel I'd made yesterday for afters...yum! Watched a bit of telly, and practised the songs we have been learning for Burns Night. They are slowly coming together, and we now need to introduce the string section...not sure when that's going to happen!

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