Wednesday 10 January 2024

Wednesday 10th January 2023

Aki up early to ready herself for a cycle ride to Stoke Newington and the Rowing Club. I got up after she'd left, and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Aki rang to say she was having an early lunch at the cafe next door to the Clubhouse, so I put myself a lunch together. Aki got home around 1330. I did some exercises, then it was back to the coalface. Broke around 1730 to prepare an apple crumble; also cooked dinner, a simple pasta sauce with cavolo nero, olive oil, and parmesan cheese...bunged some walnuts in for a protein boost. Watched "Better Call Saul", followed by episode 4 of "The Traitors". Read some "Twist". Early bath and bed...

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