Sunday 7 January 2024

Sunday 7th January 2024

Somewhat disturbed night’s sleep…don’t think I properly nodded off until gone 0230 for some reason. Woken around 0530 by the sound of an alarm, which turned out to be coming from the iPad in the living room. Had to unplug the powerless to get it to stop…baffling! Woke around 0900 and made tea. Lay in bed and read a little before rising to cook a late brunch. Nice bright day, so walked up Highgate Hill and back, popping in at M&S in Archway on the return leg. FaceTimed Kath who was chilling at home, then managed to get hold of ma and pa for a quick catch up. Dad was in the kitchen rustling up another chicken tikka masala! Watched the Arsenal v Liverpool FA Cup tie…frantic second half brought two goals for the Reds. Cooked a dal, which we ate with the fish curry we’d left in the freezer before heading north for Xmas. Watched a couple of episodes of “Kim’s Convenience”, and an episode of “Better Call Saul” before bath and bed…

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