Friday 10 March 2023

Wednesday 8th March 2023

Another fitful night's sleep, as the cough persists. Stayed in bed for a while, with a mug of tea and a bit of Bulgakov. Aki headed out to meet Helen and Martin at a tile show room in Hanover Square, as they progress the Canvey Island shopping mall refurbishment. I set about painting the access panel I'd made atop the new boiler. Found a small tin of white gloss paint...only afterward that I realised I'd used eggshell on the lower access doors! Oh'll do the job for now. Had myself some lunch before Aki got home, and made her some on her return. Sat about reading "Master & Margarita" and practising some mandolin prior to Sunday's session. Warmed up the last of the chicken tagine for dinner, and fried up some onions, mushrooms and peppers to elevate the baked couscous. The sauce had become saltier sitting in the fridge for a couple of days...the preserved lemon had become a little over-bearing. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

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