Friday 17 March 2023

Thursday 16th March 2023

Better night's sleep, though coughing a bit this morning. Aki already up by the time I emerged. Tea and porridge. I worked at my laptop at the dining table for a couple of hours. We had an early lunch, as Aki had to shoot off for a JCUK meeting. I worked at the computer in the afternoon. Broke around 1730 to prepare supper. Made a potato, egg and pea curry, and roti with red onions and curry leaves. Aki back by 1800, and Katherine from No.127 turned up at 1845, unexpectedly bringing her husband George in along with her...having told us that he was elsewhere this evening. Luckily I'd aimed at making 5 or 6 portions, so we were able to feed everyone. We walked down to Highbury Corner afterward, merging with the crowds of Gooners heading for The Emirates for the game against Sporting Lisbon. Got to the Brewhouse at 2000 and found seats. I had recommended John Kirkpatrick, one of our finest folk musicians, to the neighbours, and managed a quick chat with him before the tunes started. I'd worked with him up at the New Vic in Stoke, and at the Belgrade, Coventry. He came on at about 2045, after various folk club members had gotten up and done their party turns, doing two sets. He's still in great voice, and delightfully funny in between numbers. Swapped phone nos. with him at the end, offering to feed him next time he's down this way. tried walking back up the Holloway Road, but as bad luck would have it, the match had gone to extra time and penalties (won by Sporting), so we were suddenly hit by mass waves of disappointed Arsenal fans pouring toward Highbury & Islington tube station. We hopped on a bus, but it was slow going, until we got north of Holloway Road tube station. We got out opposite Selby's and walked home from there...

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