Friday 3 March 2023

Thursday 2nd March 2023

Fitful night's sleep...bit of a sore throat caused occassional bouts of coughing, but I felt alright come the morning. Aki brought me a mug of tea...I eventually got up and porridged. Did the vacuuming. Fried some tinned sardines for lunch, which we ate with halloumi cheese and a nice salad. Popped out late afternoon to shop for ingredients to make dinner. Took a shirt in to the dry cleaner to be altered, and my old felt hat, in the hope that he could clean it up a bit. Called in on Kevin at No.93 to see if they were up for a visit to the Tower theatre on Saturday...Laurence was under the weather and running a temperature, so they were said they'd wait and see how she felt tomorrow. She came to the door to join in the chat, and looked well enough. I drove the car round to the garage in Hornsey Road to get it cleaned at the car wash...badly in need of a wash, and I gave them a £1 tip for their extra trouble. Can't say I was over impressed with the job they did, though (under new management, whatever that means). I made a tasty pea and kale pesto with walnuts, which we had with the tri-coloured spaghetti. Aki went off to the street greening workshop with various neighbours, who were meeting members of Islington Council to trade ideas. Hooked up with her later at No.126 for the Book Club meeting...we had a full turnout, which hasn't happened in a long time. Generally people seemed to have enjoyed Jeeves and Bertie, though I surprised that Katherine, and Dulcie, confessed to not having laughed out loud...there are some strange people about, to be sure, what!? 

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