Friday 17 March 2023

Friday 17th March 2023

Not a bad night’s sleep, but coughing a bit come the morning. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Was planning to do some inspections in Poplar, but the weather was so bad I stayed home. Porridged. Worked at the laptop at the dining table until lunchtime. Warmed up the leftovers from last night's curry, and made a couple of rotis to go with it. Aki ventured out to her Brixton site, so I moved to the computer for the afternoon. My butt donut arrived. Put it to work immediately! It seemed to offer some relief, though it definitely disturbed my inguinal hernia...I assume that is more down to the month of violent coughing than to the new cushion, but the jury is out until I can recover from the cough. Aki came home via M&S at Finsbury Park. She cooked salmon teriyaki for dinner, which we ate with miso soup and sticky rice...very tasty! Watched Oscar winning "Everything Everywhere All At Once"...managed about 30 minutes. Gave up, unable to follow the narrative...not worthy Oscar material, that's for sure. 

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