Monday 13 March 2023

Sunday 12th March 2023


Another fitful night's sleep. The cough is persistent! Lay in bed until 1000, by which time Aki had cycled off to Rowing Club. Porridged. Ma and Kath FaceTimed. They had been to Ray Sproule's funeral last week...the wicker casket had ended up next to Margaret in the church, so she'd managed to have a few final words with him. Irene too ill to attend, but Denise and Julie were there. Managed to do a couple of hours work at the computer before Aki got back. I made lunch. Wandered up to the North Nineteen late afternoon for our monthly folk session...low turnout today, though Ben's daughter Maya turned up to listen, and we managed to get her to join in singing "Star of the County Down". Walked back home and Aki prepared mapo and rice for dinner, which we ate on our laps in front of the telly...first episode of Attenborough's new series about wildlife in Great Britain. He's 95 and still managing to front up a TV show! 

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