Tuesday 28 March 2023

Monday 27th March 2023

Woke late, exhausted. read in bed for a bit. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Eventually rose and porridged, then set to work at the laptop on the dining table. Broke to make lunch...stuffed chicken thigh and salad, with toast. Worked through the afternoon. Had invited Andy Smith round for supper, but he rang to say he was having to join his comrades for eats this evening, having come down from Leamington for some kind of business conference. He said he'd be back down again later in the year, so will arrange something then. Warmed up the bulgar wheat and lentil balls, which we ate with a tomato sauce, and some vegetables on the side. Watched "Blue Lights", as Andi Osho was in it. It wasn't very good, though...stretched credulity somewhat, and the performances were a bit below par. Shower and bed...

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