Wednesday 29 March 2023

Tuesday 28th March 2023

Not a great night's hernia repair giving me a lot of gip at the moment. Fortunately, the cough seems to be subsiding at last, so hopefully it will get a bit of rest and recovery. Read some Bulgakov before rising for a late breakfast. Aki departed for Brixton to see how the flat refurbishment is getting on. I worked at the computer until lunchtime. Aki back in time for fried sardines and salad, with toasted garlic breadcrumbs. Worked at the computer until around 1600...gave way to Aki, as she needed to do some CAD drawing. I did a bit more work on the laptop at the dining table. Cooked up a creamy chicken and mushroom pasta, which we ate with broccoli and spinach. Watched a bit of telly....Bear Grylls journey to Kiev to have a wee chat and a walk with President was all a bit lightweight, given the situation, but Vlod seemed to enjoy the distraction. Took a look at the new BBC adaptation of "Great Expectations" ...atmospherically shot, and good performances all round.

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