Saturday 25 March 2023

Saturday 25th March 2023

Woke around 0630 with a bout of coughing. Managed to get back to sleep for a bit. Got up around 0900 and made tea. Aki cooked brunch. The sun was out come late morning, so we took a walk up to Plan B at Crouch Hill railway station for a coffee. Walked back down Stroud Green Road and did a little shopping in Tesco, then walked home. Did some work this afternoon before preparing dinner. Did roasted chicken thighs stuffed with Parma ham, fried onions, bread, mustard and a bit of apricot jam…tied them up with string and bunged them in the oven for an hour. Ate with roast potato, carrots, broccoli and parsnip…but disappointing, given the effort involved. I was expecting more flavour. Watched Martin Freeman in "The Responder"...the heavy Scouse accents made it difficult to follow without subtitles...and it was all a bit too intense. The notion that his character would be policing Toxteth at night on his own stretched credulity.

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