Tuesday 21 March 2023

Tuesday 21st March 2023

Another disturbed night's sleep. Aki brought me a mug of tea. I got up and porridged, and did some work at the computer. Aki popped out to Waitrose, then went on for a meeting with Helen and Martin at their house on Fairbridge Road. I broke for an early lunch, then set off in the car for the Isle of Dogs. Some interesting houses on one of the estate near Island Gardens. They are non-traditional build, named after their builder, Henry Boot. They have a certain character, that's for sure, and the estate is generally well looked after. Got home about 1715 and worked at my laptop. Aki warmed up the mapo, which we had with rice and vegetables...very tasty. Not much on the telly, so did a bit of reading...the Bulgakov gets more and more fantastical with each passing chapter...it's an extraordinary flight of the human imagination!

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