Monday 13 March 2023

Saturday 11th March 2023

Woke at 0430 with up and made a mug of camomile tea with lemon and honey, and then lay down on the sofa for an hour or so. Got back into bed around 0630. As a consequence I got up around 1030. Aki cooked eggs for breakfast, then headed to Westminster for a seminar with the London team of the Japanese Samaritans she occassionally volunteers for...the founder is over from Japan to address the troops. Read some Bulgakov, then took a walk to Waitrose to pick up some odds and ends. I cooked a chicken and chorizo stew with cannellini beans for dinner, which we ate with sauteed potatoes and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly....I boycotted MOTD in support of Gary Lineker!

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