Friday 31 March 2023

Thursday 30th March 2023

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until 0800. Got up and porridged, and made myself a packed lunch. Drove south eastward, stopping off at M&S in Charlton, before heading for Erith, then southward toward Orpington. Made a pit stop at Tudor Hall Place, near Bexley, and had a brief wander around the grounds. Ate my lunch in the car in the car park, then drove down to St Mary Cray, before turning north-westward for Hither Green and Bellingham. Ended the working day in Streatham Vale, then turned for home. Got in around 1715. Aki working at the computer, so I cooked dinner. Lemon and walnut chicken pasta sauce with tagliatelle. The sauce was made by soaking a couple of slices of bread in some milk, then whizzing it up in a processor with lemon juice, zest, garlic, olive oil and was very effective. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Thursday 30 March 2023

Wednesday 29th March 2023

Decent night's sleep, but must have moved a bit in my sleep as my hernia repair giving me much discomfort this morning. Aki rose to ready herself for a cycle to the Rowing Club. I got up and porridged, and then did a little work at the computer...winding down now ahead of our planned long weekend break. Aki had lunch at the Club, so I made myself a ploughman's. Did some prep work ahead of inspections in Wales after Easter. Took some detritus to the recycling centre in the afternoon. Came home and cooked a mushroom risotto for dinner. Watched "Daisy Jones", then the News, before shower and bed...

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Tuesday 28th March 2023

Not a great night's hernia repair giving me a lot of gip at the moment. Fortunately, the cough seems to be subsiding at last, so hopefully it will get a bit of rest and recovery. Read some Bulgakov before rising for a late breakfast. Aki departed for Brixton to see how the flat refurbishment is getting on. I worked at the computer until lunchtime. Aki back in time for fried sardines and salad, with toasted garlic breadcrumbs. Worked at the computer until around 1600...gave way to Aki, as she needed to do some CAD drawing. I did a bit more work on the laptop at the dining table. Cooked up a creamy chicken and mushroom pasta, which we ate with broccoli and spinach. Watched a bit of telly....Bear Grylls journey to Kiev to have a wee chat and a walk with President was all a bit lightweight, given the situation, but Vlod seemed to enjoy the distraction. Took a look at the new BBC adaptation of "Great Expectations" ...atmospherically shot, and good performances all round.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Monday 27th March 2023

Woke late, exhausted. read in bed for a bit. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Eventually rose and porridged, then set to work at the laptop on the dining table. Broke to make lunch...stuffed chicken thigh and salad, with toast. Worked through the afternoon. Had invited Andy Smith round for supper, but he rang to say he was having to join his comrades for eats this evening, having come down from Leamington for some kind of business conference. He said he'd be back down again later in the year, so will arrange something then. Warmed up the bulgar wheat and lentil balls, which we ate with a tomato sauce, and some vegetables on the side. Watched "Blue Lights", as Andi Osho was in it. It wasn't very good, though...stretched credulity somewhat, and the performances were a bit below par. Shower and bed...

Sunday 26 March 2023

Sunday 26th March 2023

Woke later than usual, partly because the clocks had gone forward overnight. Eventually got up and I cooked breakfast...poached eggs on avocado toast. Aki decided to try and sort out the under-stairs storage cupboard. It took most of the afternoon, but a slight improvement was effected, and we need to make a trip to the recycling centre. FaceTimed ma and pa who were watching the Boat Race. Dad has been searching the pharmacies of Eland looking in vain for support stockings to shore up his damaged calf muscle...he's expecting an Amazon delivery tomorrow. We hastened out, catching a bus to Finsbury Park, then a tube train to Oxford Circus. Ambled along Oxford Street, popping into Uniglo and buying ourselves some New York street art inspired T-shirts. 

Then headed for the Mercato in the deconsecrated St Mark's Church on North Audley Street. I've been before, but this was Aki's first visit. It's a refurbished early Victorian church interior, now given over to two floors of Italian and Asian street food outlets...we found a couple of seats, and ordered pad thai, and a green curry. It was surprisingly busy for a Sunday evening. After dinner, we walked down to Grosvenor Square, past the old US Embassy, which now appears to be being converted into high-spec flat units. Popped in to the Audley public house on the corner of Mount Street. It has recently been refurbished, with a colourful ceiling collage by Phyllida Barlow (who passed away last week!). 

Had a half in there, then walked through Berkeley Square, and on to Piccadilly for the evening's Vox Holloway concert at St James' Church (designed in 1680 by Sir Christopher Wren). The theme was one of foundlings and refugees, and included Handel's Anthem for a Foundling Hospital, which he wrote in a bid to assist Thomas Coram in his efforts to erect a Foundling Hospital, which he eventually did in what is now known as Coram's Fields. There was some fund raising in support of the fight against the Government's proposed Illegal Immigrants Bill. The acoustics in the church are excellent, and the choir filled the space with their beautiful voices. Our friend Helen is in the choir, and came up to say hello in the interval. Took a Piccadilly Line train back to Caledonian Road, then a No.259 bus to Sussex Way. Cold out! Got home around 2230.

Saturday 25 March 2023

Saturday 25th March 2023

Woke around 0630 with a bout of coughing. Managed to get back to sleep for a bit. Got up around 0900 and made tea. Aki cooked brunch. The sun was out come late morning, so we took a walk up to Plan B at Crouch Hill railway station for a coffee. Walked back down Stroud Green Road and did a little shopping in Tesco, then walked home. Did some work this afternoon before preparing dinner. Did roasted chicken thighs stuffed with Parma ham, fried onions, bread, mustard and a bit of apricot jam…tied them up with string and bunged them in the oven for an hour. Ate with roast potato, carrots, broccoli and parsnip…but disappointing, given the effort involved. I was expecting more flavour. Watched Martin Freeman in "The Responder"...the heavy Scouse accents made it difficult to follow without subtitles...and it was all a bit too intense. The notion that his character would be policing Toxteth at night on his own stretched credulity.

Friday 24th March 2023

Woke around 0800. Dozed for a little before getting up and porridging. Did an hour or so at the computer before putting a packed lunch together and heading eastward. Drove to Sainsbury’s in Manor House to stick some petrol in the car and pick up some lunch items, then headed for Clapton. Managed an internal inspection of a flat on the fourth floor of Wigan House. Then headed for Poplar, Beckton, Plaistow and East Ham. Got in to a second unit on an estate a stone's throw from West Ham station. Weather was very changeable…got caught in the occasional deluge. Ate my lunch in the car. Inspections then took me further east, out to Dagenham, Harold Hill, Chadwell Heath, and ending in Barking just as the sun was sinking behind the rain clouds in the west. Got home around 1930 as Aki served up a fish supper. Not much on the telly. 

Thursday 23 March 2023

Thursday 23rd March 2023


Alarm at 0730. Hauled myself out of bed at 0750. Warmed some soup to take in my lunch box. Porridged and downed a large mug of tea before heading back out to Biggleswade. Stopped off at Sainsbury's there to pick up some odds and ends, then found myself heading for surrounding villages. I had to ford Potton Brook in the village of Sutton...the arched bridge is for pedestrian traffic. Found myself back at Sainsburys in Biggleswade, where I had my lunch in the car in the car park. Ended the working day to the north in the village of Tempsford, then turned for home. Got home at 1815, and worked at the computer until dinner was served...Aki cooked mackerel in a Japanese style sauce, which we ate with sticky rice, tofu, and miso soup. Watched England scrape a narrow win in their opening Euro qualifying game against Italy, despite losing Luke Shaw to a red card. 'Arry Kane scored his 54th international goal, taking him top of the list of all time top scorers, above Wayne Rooney, and Bobby Charlton.

Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Alarm at 0730. Reasonable night's sleep, though dry cough this morning. Got up and made tea. Porridged. Warmed some soup to take for my lunch. Put some windscreen wash in the motor, then drove northward to various villages to the north of Hitchin. Stopped off at Baldock service station on the A1. Weather was good...better than I'd been expecting. Grabbed a coffee. Found a garden centre, and stopped to use the facilities and ate my lunch in the car park, before driving on to Biggleswade. Did a little shopping at Sainsburys, which is just off the A1, and filled the car with petrol. Turned for home at 1715. The satnav took me off the A1 at Hatfield, and across to St Albans, picking up the M1...there was some kind of blockage or delay on the A1. Got home around 1845. Aki cooked a tasty aubergine parmigiana lasagne, which we ate with vegetables and a stuffed Portobello mushroom. Worked at the laptop for a bit after dinner. Feeling a bit whacked...niggling headache. Took a paracetamol. 

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Tuesday 21st March 2023

Another disturbed night's sleep. Aki brought me a mug of tea. I got up and porridged, and did some work at the computer. Aki popped out to Waitrose, then went on for a meeting with Helen and Martin at their house on Fairbridge Road. I broke for an early lunch, then set off in the car for the Isle of Dogs. Some interesting houses on one of the estate near Island Gardens. They are non-traditional build, named after their builder, Henry Boot. They have a certain character, that's for sure, and the estate is generally well looked after. Got home about 1715 and worked at my laptop. Aki warmed up the mapo, which we had with rice and vegetables...very tasty. Not much on the telly, so did a bit of reading...the Bulgakov gets more and more fantastical with each passing's an extraordinary flight of the human imagination!

Monday 20 March 2023

Monday 20th March 2023

Woke around 0730. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and porridged. As rain was forecast for this afternoon, I ventured out on inspections in the morning, driving down to Shadwell and Limehouse. Wandered about the extensive Glamis Estate until about 1230, then drove home for lunch. Worked at the computer all afternoon. Aki cooked lentil and bulgur wheat balls, though her tomato sauce seemed to have pretty much dried up by the time she plated up. Tasty though! Watched an intriguing documentary on the fallout from the Brinks Mat gold bullion robbery...the enormous proceeds were eventually funnelled into property development, most notably London's Docklands Enterprise Zone, and into cocaine and ecstasy drug cartels, fuelling the rise of UK rave culture in the 1990s. 

Sunday 19 March 2023

Sunday 19th March 2023

Relatively sound night's sleep....a bit of a dry cough come the morning, but better than it's been of late. Aki up and breakfasted by the time I rose, and she cycled off to the Rowing Club. I porridged, then packed my guitar and drove over to Stoke Newington to rehearse with Bebop. She's got a good bluesy sounding voice, but tries to do a bit too much with it...but early days, we'll see how it goes. We worked on "I Can't Stand the Rain", and "Stormy Monday", and I promised to take a look at Ray Charles's "I Got a Woman" for next rehearsal. I put the guitar in the boot of the car afterward, and wandered down Stoke Newington High Street. Had my brunch in Cafe Z...haven't been in there for about 12 years! They've expanded into the unit next door. I enjoyed a yumurta with three fried eggs, and garlic sausage. The coffee wasn't up to much, though. Drove back before the Arsenal game finished. Mum FaceTimed from 12 High View...Kath, Jim and Emma were there, so we managed a wee chat with everybody. Emma has put in an offer on a ground floor flat conversion in Wallsend, so they await further developments. watched the Man United v Fulham FA Cup quarter-final...Fulham were bossing it until Willian handballed in the penalty area and Mitrovic lost his rag...they were both sent off, and the Reds went on to win 3-1. Warmed up the Spanish chicken and chorizo stew for dinner. Watched "Wild Isles" and another episode of "Daisy Jones & the Six" before shower and bed...

Saturday 18th March 2023

Woke around 0600 and spent an hour or so coughing! Slow start. Got out of bed when Aki started vacuuming, and put a sumptuous breakfast together. Pottered about not doing very much. Renewed my Halifax ISA...that was about as exciting as it got! Rang mother to tell her to look out for a delivery. They've got Jim, Emma, Kath and Stuart coming round tomorrow to mark Mother's Day. We headed for Romford at 1630, catching a bus to Finsbury Park and taking tube to Farringdon to hook up with the new Elizabeth Line....unfortunately, neither the Piccadilly nor the Victoria lines intersect with the new line, for some bizarre reason, but once on the train at Farringdon, it took us through to Gidea Park, and we walked up to the Ship Inn in good time. Steve's 60th birthday surprise was being held in a small marquee in the back yard of the pub, and he was eventually ushered in around 1840 to be greeted by a gathering of friends and family. His wife Yuki turned up with him, as well as their son (Aki's godson) Neo, and we got to meet Neo's elder step-brother, Craig. We didn't know anyone else, so we left after having a bit of food, and caught the train back into London. Got home around 2115. Watched MOTD before bed...

Friday 17 March 2023

Friday 17th March 2023

Not a bad night’s sleep, but coughing a bit come the morning. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Was planning to do some inspections in Poplar, but the weather was so bad I stayed home. Porridged. Worked at the laptop at the dining table until lunchtime. Warmed up the leftovers from last night's curry, and made a couple of rotis to go with it. Aki ventured out to her Brixton site, so I moved to the computer for the afternoon. My butt donut arrived. Put it to work immediately! It seemed to offer some relief, though it definitely disturbed my inguinal hernia...I assume that is more down to the month of violent coughing than to the new cushion, but the jury is out until I can recover from the cough. Aki came home via M&S at Finsbury Park. She cooked salmon teriyaki for dinner, which we ate with miso soup and sticky rice...very tasty! Watched Oscar winning "Everything Everywhere All At Once"...managed about 30 minutes. Gave up, unable to follow the narrative...not worthy Oscar material, that's for sure. 

Thursday 16th March 2023

Better night's sleep, though coughing a bit this morning. Aki already up by the time I emerged. Tea and porridge. I worked at my laptop at the dining table for a couple of hours. We had an early lunch, as Aki had to shoot off for a JCUK meeting. I worked at the computer in the afternoon. Broke around 1730 to prepare supper. Made a potato, egg and pea curry, and roti with red onions and curry leaves. Aki back by 1800, and Katherine from No.127 turned up at 1845, unexpectedly bringing her husband George in along with her...having told us that he was elsewhere this evening. Luckily I'd aimed at making 5 or 6 portions, so we were able to feed everyone. We walked down to Highbury Corner afterward, merging with the crowds of Gooners heading for The Emirates for the game against Sporting Lisbon. Got to the Brewhouse at 2000 and found seats. I had recommended John Kirkpatrick, one of our finest folk musicians, to the neighbours, and managed a quick chat with him before the tunes started. I'd worked with him up at the New Vic in Stoke, and at the Belgrade, Coventry. He came on at about 2045, after various folk club members had gotten up and done their party turns, doing two sets. He's still in great voice, and delightfully funny in between numbers. Swapped phone nos. with him at the end, offering to feed him next time he's down this way. tried walking back up the Holloway Road, but as bad luck would have it, the match had gone to extra time and penalties (won by Sporting), so we were suddenly hit by mass waves of disappointed Arsenal fans pouring toward Highbury & Islington tube station. We hopped on a bus, but it was slow going, until we got north of Holloway Road tube station. We got out opposite Selby's and walked home from there...

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Wednesday 15th March 2023

Not a great night's sleep...intermittent bouts of coughing. Aki popped in to say goodbye....she cycled off to Rowing Club. I got up shortly afterward and made tea. Porridged. Sat at the computer all morning, breaking around 1315 for lunch. Aki got home around 1600...she'd cycled up to Middlesex Hospital in Edmonton after lunching at the cafe next door to the Rowing Club. One of the Club members, Piers, has been hospitalised following a couple of strokes, so they are taking turns in paying him a visit. She said he was talking OK, but has trouble swallowing, so is being fed through a tube. He may be transferred to another establishment soon, where the focus will be on rehabilitation. Worked through until 1830. Aki warmed up the Spanish chicken and chorizo stew. Watched the Final of "The Piano"...the four pianists chosen from the railway station heats got to perform at the RFH, and the little blind girl blew everyone away...tissues were passed around. 

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Tuesday 14th March 2023

Alarm at 0750. Slept relatively well until around 0530...managed to stack three pillows up in such a way as to allow me to sleep in a half-sitting position, which helped. Coughing a bit this morning though. Got up and made tea and sat at the computer, before porridging. Broke around 1300 and put a lunch together before Aki cycled off to the Business Design Centre to hook up with Helen and Martin...looking at more tiles! I worked until 1645, by which time Aki had returned. She heated up the mapo, which we had with rice and vegetables, then we headed out the door. Caught a bus to Finsbury Park, then a Great Northern train that took us straight in to Moorgate. Short walk to the Barbican Cinema. Watched the five live action shorts that had competed for an Oscar last night. really enjoyed an Italian piece called "La Pupille", part funded by Disney as it happens, but it was full of charm, utilising some lovely theatrical conceits, and garnering great deadpan performances from the numerous young school girls, who were playing kids orphaned by WWII, and incarcerated in an establishment run by Catholic nuns, the action taking place on Christmas Eve and Christmas ran "An Irish Goodbye" a very close second. Got home by 2115. Watched "Seinfeld" and the News before shower and bed.

Monday 13 March 2023

Monday 13th March 2023

Terrible night's sleep....swallowing became very uncomfortable, and as a result it took me 3 hours before I nodded off. Woke again at 0300, and took another half hour to get back to sleep. Alarm went off at 0750 and I got up and made tea. Porridged, then showered. Took a Covid test, which came out negative, then walked round to the GP. Abdominal hernia was confirmed, and I was referred for an ultrasound scan, and I booked an appointment with the nurse to chat about a diet plan that would see me lose some weight and take the pressure off the abdomen. Had a long list of ailments to flag up, but the doctor ushered me out shortly after I mentioned my rectal discomfort...presumably he didn't fancy spoiling his lunch! Walked back home via Tescos and Sainsburys in an unsuccessful search for a bottle of skimmed milk....surprisingly windy out there this morning! Did a couple of hours work at the laptop before lunch. Aki had a meeting at another tile showroom, so I was able to work on the computer in the afternoon. Popped round to see the practice nurse at 1530...all she was good for was handing me a leaflet for a weight watchers type group that meet up the road in Camden! I cooked a simple mushroom and garlic sauce which we had with tagliatelle. Watched "An Irish Goodbye" on iPlayer, which won Best Live Action Short at the Oscars last night. Very nicely shot and lit, and it was great to see the inimitable James Martin in action after all the hype. I hadn't known it was on iPlayer...I booked tickets on Saturday to go see it at the Barbican tomorrow night!!! Aki decided she needed a well deserved break from having her sleeps disturbed by my coughing, and set up bed in the spare room. I'm surprised she took so long about it!

Sunday 12th March 2023


Another fitful night's sleep. The cough is persistent! Lay in bed until 1000, by which time Aki had cycled off to Rowing Club. Porridged. Ma and Kath FaceTimed. They had been to Ray Sproule's funeral last week...the wicker casket had ended up next to Margaret in the church, so she'd managed to have a few final words with him. Irene too ill to attend, but Denise and Julie were there. Managed to do a couple of hours work at the computer before Aki got back. I made lunch. Wandered up to the North Nineteen late afternoon for our monthly folk session...low turnout today, though Ben's daughter Maya turned up to listen, and we managed to get her to join in singing "Star of the County Down". Walked back home and Aki prepared mapo and rice for dinner, which we ate on our laps in front of the telly...first episode of Attenborough's new series about wildlife in Great Britain. He's 95 and still managing to front up a TV show! 

Saturday 11th March 2023

Woke at 0430 with up and made a mug of camomile tea with lemon and honey, and then lay down on the sofa for an hour or so. Got back into bed around 0630. As a consequence I got up around 1030. Aki cooked eggs for breakfast, then headed to Westminster for a seminar with the London team of the Japanese Samaritans she occassionally volunteers for...the founder is over from Japan to address the troops. Read some Bulgakov, then took a walk to Waitrose to pick up some odds and ends. I cooked a chicken and chorizo stew with cannellini beans for dinner, which we ate with sauteed potatoes and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly....I boycotted MOTD in support of Gary Lineker!

Saturday 11 March 2023

Friday 10th March 2023

Slept relatively soundly, despite a bit of coughing on going to bed last night. Hopefully, things are on the turn. Aki brought me a mug of camomile with honey and lemon, and I stopped in bed, reading, for a bit. Eventually got up and made myself a bowl of chocolate porridge. Managed a couple of hour's work at the laptop. Had myself a very light lunch...a bit of brie spread on toast, with some chutney and roast peppers. Read some Bulgakov. Finished off the pea and kale pesto for dinner, with the last of the manfredi pasta, followed by buttermilk pancakes, yoghurt, and raspberry spoom. Watched the Netflix film version of "Luther" with Idris Elba...had seen him talking about it on TV the other night, saying how excited he'd been by the script. It was dreadful tosh...lord knows what Idris was thinking...mind you, he was sat beside the screen writer when interviewed about it! A waste of Andy Serkis's talents too! 

Friday 10 March 2023

Thursday 9th March 2023

Terrible night's sleep...the coughing kept us both awake! I got up and made myself a mug of camomile tea with lemon and honey in it, and climbed back into bed. Read some Bulgakov before eventually getting up and porridging, though it was getting more toward lunch rather than breakfast. Aki made herself some lunch. Didn't have much energy this afternoon, so pottered about doing nothing very much. Tony turned up around 1730 for his dinner. Aki warmed up the fish curry, and cooked up a dahl to have with it...I made flatbreads. Buttermilk pancakes to follow, with raspberry spoom, vanilla yoghurt, and black cherry sauce. Hightailed it to the bus stop opposite the Sobell Sports centre, but our bus was a few too many minutes away, so Tony hooked an Uber. Got to the Roundhouse in good time. Helen joined us having cycled over from Archway. Enjoyed Callum Easter's support set...he had the Leith Congregational Choir in tow, which takes his material to another level. The venue filled up prior to Young Fathers coming was a sell out, so must have been nigh on 3,000 people in there! Luckily, we were in the upstairs seated area! The band slowly cooked up a storm...surprised to see Callum Easter in the band! Much of the sound they create comes via a huge beat box, which evidently houses the numerous backing tracks. The band elicited a roar of approval when Graham Hastings took to the mic, yelling "Say it Loud, Say it Clear, Refugees are Welcome here!" It had Tony on his feet roaring his agreement. Highlights were 'Geronimo', 'In My View', and the pulsating 'I Saw'....we were grooving in our seats come the finale! Took a while to get us all out of the venue...lord knows what would happen in the event of a fire!!! Helen scooted off into the drizzle on her bike, and we got the No.253 bus home, leaving Tony to continue on to Clapton, where he was putting up at Ickborough Road.

Wednesday 8th March 2023

Another fitful night's sleep, as the cough persists. Stayed in bed for a while, with a mug of tea and a bit of Bulgakov. Aki headed out to meet Helen and Martin at a tile show room in Hanover Square, as they progress the Canvey Island shopping mall refurbishment. I set about painting the access panel I'd made atop the new boiler. Found a small tin of white gloss paint...only afterward that I realised I'd used eggshell on the lower access doors! Oh'll do the job for now. Had myself some lunch before Aki got home, and made her some on her return. Sat about reading "Master & Margarita" and practising some mandolin prior to Sunday's session. Warmed up the last of the chicken tagine for dinner, and fried up some onions, mushrooms and peppers to elevate the baked couscous. The sauce had become saltier sitting in the fridge for a couple of days...the preserved lemon had become a little over-bearing. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Tuesday 7 March 2023

Tuesday 7th March 2023

Another fitful night's sleep with a lot of coughing. It's all becoming rather exhausting! Aki roused herself, as she had to get to Brixton for a site visit. I languished in bed before rising to make chocolate porridge. Sat at the computer for a couple of hours or so. A traditional east end funeral taking place at the Greek church next door...the horses and hearse standing patiently in the sleet looked a picture, the scene sadly ruined by the Poundland truck parked on the other side of the road! Had Aki's carrot, coriander and lentil soup for lunch, with a bit of toast, followed by semolina pudding and cherry sauce. Aki returned, dumped her bags, then went out again...a meeting at Helen and Martin's regarding the Canvey Island shopping mall refurbishment. I managed a bit more work at the computer. Aki got home a bit later than anticipated, so dinner was late...she cooked a fish and prawn curry. I had cheese and biscuits afterward. Did a bit more work at the computer. Read some "Master & Margarita"...the translation is beginning to flow. Shower and bed...

Monday 6th March 2023

Dreadful night's sleep...woken at about 0230 in full choking mode, despite having the CPAP mask on, then spent the next half hour coughing violently. As a result, I had a bit of a lie in this morning, before getting up and porridging, and throwing a packed lunch together. Drove off around 1130, heading first for Bedford...stopped off at Thames gateway service station on the M1 for coffee. From Bedford, I headed west to Milton Keynes. Ate my lunch in the car, parked on a street in the Leadenhall area of the city, then picked up some inspections in Monkston, before heading for home. Stopped at Toddington Service station, and drove on to Holloway, popping in to Waitrose before getting home. Aki cooked a carbonara for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Sunday 5 March 2023

Sunday 5th March 2023

Another disturbed night’s sleep. The cough is persistent. Aki got up to ready herself for Rowing Club. She brought me a mug of tea. I downloaded a Kindle version of "Master and Margarita", the Book Club read. Read the first chapter…not too convinced by the halting translation. Got up and porridged. Stuck MOTD on, as I’d missed it last night. Took a constitutional, walking up Highgate Hill, and doing a circuit of Waterlow Park, then wandered back down the hill to buy a cabbage. Got home and made myself some lunch. Aki returned just as I was tucking in. FaceTimed Kath, who was at Stuart's pad in Sunderland. They'd been to a comedy night at the Custom House last night. FaceTimed ma and pa, who had been entertaining Jim and Emma. Dad still struggling with his achilles injury, but was busy drilling holes in the bedroom wall and fixing some wall hooks! They looked very well. I cooked chicken tagine for dinner, with baked couscous and vegetables, followed by cheese and biscuits. Watched a bit of telly...interesting programme fronted by Paul Whitehouse, looking into the illegal practices of the nation's water companies. Spirited interview with Fergal Sharkey. Watched Liverpool demolish Man Utd 7-0 on MOTD before shower and bed...

Saturday 4 March 2023

Saturday 4th March 2023

Another fitful night's sleep...cough getting quite heavy in the morning. Lay in bed for a bit. Aki brought me a mug of hot water and lemon, with a dash of ginger. Got up for a late breakfast, then set about cleaning and tidying the living-room and dining area in advance of our guests this evening. Aki cycled off to Waitrose to get some ingredients. I started prepping. Made a tahini and lemon salad dressing, which will go with the side salad. Made some more pea and kale pesto sauce. Aki made some amaretti biscuits. Kevin and Laurence turned up at 1800, and we sat them down for spaghetti with pesto, and salad, followed by amaretti biscuit with raspberry spoom. It all went down very well. Had to chivvy Laurence on a bit, as she likes to chat, so was a bit slow eating her food! Got out of the flat before 1900 and drove us all to Stoke Newington to see the Spring Forward productions...five short plays/pieces, with different casts, and five new young directors. Feiyang's debut was disappointing, though that had as much to do with the weak actors she's cast as with anything else. There were two actresses who had auditioned for the Company when I was on auditions panel in January...they were both good, especially Thissy. There was an extraordinary performance of a short Winsome Pinnock piece, centred around a black slave in Salem who became the first to be accused of witchcraft ahead of the Salem Witch Trials...I hadn't seen the actress, Faith Martin Abongo, before, but she was captivating, holding our attention for almost half-an-hour...her voice needs a bit of work, but she could be a TV star tomorrow, if the right agent comes along. Altogether, an enjoyable evening's entertainment. I drove us all home, dropping Kevin and Laurence at No.93...

Friday 3rd March 2023

Another disturbed night's sleep...sore throat and bouts of coughing kept me awake. Aki up early to ready herself for a trip to Kensington to hook up with Tammy for lunch. I had a lie in. Eventually got up and porridged, with chocolate. Did a little work at my laptop. Had planned to be going out for dinner tonight...a Twelfth Night cast re-union at Megan's in Islington...but felt too under the weather to contemplate it, so cancelled. Mopped the communal hallway floor...the upstairs neighbour flew off the India yesterday, so won't be bringing her dog through for the next three weeks! Aki got back around 1430. I spent the afternoon recovering from mopping the hallway floor! Tried sorting and filing countless recipes culled from various magazines. Got a lot to eat our way through! Aki baked trout for dinner, which we had with Puy lentils and yoghurt. I sounded Barney out about next week's Young Fathers gig at the Roundhouse...he texted back saying he had covid, tonsillitis, and shingles!!! He's going home to his mum's in Holmfirth to recuperate! Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Friday 3 March 2023

Thursday 2nd March 2023

Fitful night's sleep...bit of a sore throat caused occassional bouts of coughing, but I felt alright come the morning. Aki brought me a mug of tea...I eventually got up and porridged. Did the vacuuming. Fried some tinned sardines for lunch, which we ate with halloumi cheese and a nice salad. Popped out late afternoon to shop for ingredients to make dinner. Took a shirt in to the dry cleaner to be altered, and my old felt hat, in the hope that he could clean it up a bit. Called in on Kevin at No.93 to see if they were up for a visit to the Tower theatre on Saturday...Laurence was under the weather and running a temperature, so they were said they'd wait and see how she felt tomorrow. She came to the door to join in the chat, and looked well enough. I drove the car round to the garage in Hornsey Road to get it cleaned at the car wash...badly in need of a wash, and I gave them a £1 tip for their extra trouble. Can't say I was over impressed with the job they did, though (under new management, whatever that means). I made a tasty pea and kale pesto with walnuts, which we had with the tri-coloured spaghetti. Aki went off to the street greening workshop with various neighbours, who were meeting members of Islington Council to trade ideas. Hooked up with her later at No.126 for the Book Club meeting...we had a full turnout, which hasn't happened in a long time. Generally people seemed to have enjoyed Jeeves and Bertie, though I surprised that Katherine, and Dulcie, confessed to not having laughed out loud...there are some strange people about, to be sure, what!? 

Wednesday 1 March 2023

Wednesday 1st March 2023

Woke around 0800...Aki got up to ready herself for Rowing Club. I got up and porridged. Did an hour or so at the work lined up for March...I need a rest, frankly! Set off on a late morning constitutional up Highgate Hill. Bumped into Carlos, who I found outside No.36 trying in vain to alert Jane to the fact that she'd accidentally locked him out. We could see her in the back garden, but she evidently couldn't hear her phone going off in the kitchen. They'd had a goood time in Barcelona, and had stopped off in Paris for a couple of nights on the way we chatted, Carlos inadvertently let one fly, but neither of us mentioned it, letting it float off on the breeze! I walked up to Archie's for a coffee, and finished the final chapter of "Right-ho, Jeeves". Did a little shopping on my way back home. Aki was back when I got in, and I heated up the remains of the tomato risotto, which we ate with salad and lots of Parmesan cheese. Aki had a meeting with Helen and Martin at Spoke mid afternoon. I started prepping tonight's meal...I made a bread sauce, and carrot puree, then roasted a couple of chicken legs once Aki had returned. Watched FA Cup football on the telly...Sheffield United knocking out Spurs to go through to the quarter-finals, where they'll meet Blackburn Rovers. 

Tuesday 28th February 2023

Woke around 0830. Got up and porridged. Spent most of the day at the computer. Aki headed for Kensington for lunch with the JCUK ladies. I finished the smoked mackerel for lunch, with a side salad. Listened to some Martin Jarvis over lunch. Warmed up the aubergine parmigiana lasagne for dinner, which we ate with peas and broccoli. Watched FA Cup football for most of the evening, switching between games on BBC1 and ITV. Practised a couple of Scottish jigs afore bedtime...