Thursday 9 May 2024

Wednesday 8th May 2024

Evidently did my bad hernia repair no good helping put the chairs out at the church last night...very uncomfortable night's sleep. Gave up at 0715 and got up. Aki still not feeling well, so she stayed in bed. Her stomach seems to be revolting at worryingly regular intervals...she wonders if she picked something up from the river when rowing on Sunday morning! I worked at the computer for a bit, taking breaks every now and then to rehearse my Kinks songs...working on "Victoria" at the moment. Made Aki some rice porridge...kept having to pop into the bedroom for cooking instructions. Lovely day outside. Took my constitutional up Highgate Hill, and sat on a bench in Waterlow Park to read some Dickens. Got home around 1700...Aki awake, and looking a little perkier. I did another hour or so on the computer before breaking for dinner. Finished off the pizza. Watched Masterchef with an episode of "Ripley" for dessert. Showered before bed.

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