Saturday, 4 May 2024

Friday 3rd May 2024

Woke around 0830. Got up at 0900 and porridged at the computer. As the weather seemed to be holding up, I decided to head out on some external inspections late morning, so threw a packed lunch together, and climbed into the car. Headed east to fill up with petrol at Manor House, then visited various spots in Haringey, Islington, and Hackney. Got home around 1830. Aki cooked pork stuffed cabbage leaves for dinner...very tasty. Watched "American Fiction" on Prime Video...nice, snappy script, with some good performances, though it all got a bit trite towards the end. We had to hit the pause button to go out and watch the Greek fraternity from the church next door, set off down Sussex Way carrying their icon in a byre, and swinging some incense into the night air, in celebration of their Easter annual treat. 

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