Sunday, 12 May 2024

Saturday 11th May 2024

Got a reasonably good night's sleep, though the bad hernia repair still giving me much grief, especially after having spent most of yesterday in the car. Aki feeling perky enough to get out of bed and make tea. We walked up to Yerbury Farmer's Market before brunch, to get a square-tinned sourdough from Roberto...I couldn't resist adding a slice of his fresh tomato and onion focaccia to the shopping bag. Walked home. A lot of police outside No.40. According to Paul at No.27, one of the young chaps who lives there, Johnny, who we saw singing a couple of his self-penned songs at the Open Mic night at the North Nineteen in January, over-dosed and was carted away in an ambulance...doesn't sound like he's going to pull through, by all accounts. I put together a tasty brunch, including the focaccia, with poached egg and a nice salad. Read some Dickens and did some exercises. Aki managed a little gardening. Chicken teriyaki for dinner, with rice and miso soup. Watched a bit of telly...caught up with "Race Around the World".

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