Saturday 11 May 2024

Thursday 9th May 2024

Woke around 0845, having had a much better night's sleep. Aki feeling better, but still has a dodgy tummy. She managed a little porridge for breakfast. I did a couple of hours at the computer. Broke for lunch. Nice sunny day, so resolved to head out on inspections this afternoon...took a bus up the Camden Road, before heading for Euston and the Kings Cross area. Hot work traipsing the streets...ended up at the British Library, and sat in the piazza with a coffee, before heading for home, via Waitrose in Granary Square. Stopped off at Carhaart, and ended up buying a summer shirt, and jeans (£200...!!!). Took the No.91 bus home. Aki still up, though feeling weak...she hasn't eaten very much over the last two or three days. But she seems much better. I finished off the tortelloni for dinner, with some pizzaiola sauce. Aki had some rice porridge. 

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