Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tuesday 21st May 2024

Woken at 0715 by loud hammering coming from the building site at the back of us...Aki made an online complaint to the Council about it. Managed to nod off. Read in bed for a bit. Rose at 1030 and porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch at 1315. Fried some sardines to make an agrodolce on garlic toast. Worked at the computer for another couple of hours. Did some exercises and warmed the vocal cords up a bit before an early dinner. Aki cooked hake and Ancho chilli black beans. I walked to St Luke's on Hilmarton Road in the rain. Worked through about six songs this evening...my voice was tiring toward the end, but enjoyed it. Harvey is so great to work with...sunny, up-beat, patient, and humourous. I was still raining on the walk back home. Got in at 2145. Watched The Ten...astonishing story on there about Craig McKinley MP who lost both arms and legs to sepsis, and now has prosthetic limbs...his positivity was nothing short of miraculous! Bath and bed...

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