Thursday 23 May 2024

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Woke late...thought I heard the doorbell at about 0900, so rolled out of bed, opened the inner front door, to find Lynne in the hallway holding a package...Amazon delivery of Aki's rowing cap. Made tea. No porridge left, nor bread, so made a pancake mix, and we had pancakes with fruit and yoghurt...very nice! Got enough batter to last maybe another two days! Worked at the computer until breaking for lunch at 1345. Aki popped out to Waitrose. I stayed home and did some exercises, and a little voice work. Read some Dickens. Aki cooked a mapo for dinner, which we ate on the sofa whilst watching MasterChef. It was the Final tonight...a deserving winner in the form of a second generation Indian from Chelmsford, whose day job is a veterinary surgeon...he was certainly good at cutting up the meat! Watched Rishi Sunak in the pouring rain announce a General Election from a pulpit outside No.10 Drowning Street. Hopefully, we can finally rid our country of this failed Tory government...bath and bed.

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