Sunday 5 May 2024

Saturday 4th May 2024


Woke at 0745. Got up to open the gate then back to bed to read some Dickens. Cooked breakfast. Weather looked pretty good, so we took a constitutional, walking up Sussex Way, then via Elthorne Park and on up to Hornsey Lane, where we turned westward. Got a nice view of central London from the Archway Bridge. Wandered up to Gail's Bakery at the top of Highgate Hill and bought a couple of snacks for lunch, then repaired to Waterlow Park to find a bench and eat our vitals. Walked back home via M&S. Sat around and read some more before making dinner...a creamy mushroom and walnut pasta sauce with peas, followed by chocolate brownie and creme fraiche. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

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