Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tuesday 28th May 2024

Woke to alarm at 0730. Aki got up and brought me tea. Got up about 0830 and porridged at the computer. Put a packed lunch together and headed off in the car on inspections. First stop was Pimlico, so the route took me down Gower Street...must have sat in traffic for at least 30 minutes, crawling our way toward Shaftesbury Avenue. Struggled to find somewhere to park when I finally got there...a large 1920s era Peabody Estate south of Victoria Station. Then it was on to Fulham via the Chelsea Embankment, before doubling back to Southwark. Parked up on Union Street and went in search of a coffee. Ate my lunch in the car before embarking on more door knocking on foot. Final destination was Plumstead. Managed to get in to about six units altogether today. Turned for home. Heavy traffic on the Blackwall Tunnel Approach, south of the major roadworks going on in aid of the new Silvertown Tunnel. Got home at 1845. Aki had warmed up the last of the pork mapo, which we ate with rice. Watched a bit of telly, and did a bit of packing ahead of tomorrow's trip to Newcastle, before bath and bed...

Monday 27 May 2024

Monday 27th May 2024

Rose around 0900...Aki cooked brunch. Weather holding, so we took a walk down to the Emirates, doubling back to Gillespie Park, and from thence up Stroud Green Road. Bought some odds and ends in Green & Glory, where I managed to drop a bottle of passata on the floor...I helped clean up, and paid for the breakage. Bought some beef mince, and chicken thighs, at a little halal butcher's a few doors further up the road, then headed for home via Tesco on Hornsey Road. I cooked up several portions of beef, pork and chicken liver ragu to store in the freezer. We finished off the pizzaiola sauce I'd made a few days ago, drizzling it over some tortelloni and peas for dinner. Walked up to St Saviours for rehearsal...rather thin turnout this evening...just me and Dan in the tenors (though I'm singing an octave lower most of the time). Walked back home and watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunday 26th May 2024

Woke around 0900 feeling very weary. Aki got up to ready herself for a cycle ride to Rowing Club. She cooked brunch before setting off. I sat at the computer for a bit to write up some of the inspections I'd done on Friday. Wandered over to Waitrose to get some fish for tonight's dinner. Took a rather circuitous route in order to get a little exercise, as the weather was good. Walked down to Highbury Fields, and popped in to buy some focaccia at Harvest opposite Highbury & Islington station, then headed back up the Holloway Road to do a small shop in Waitrose. The heavens opened on my walk back home, and I had to take shelter for a few minutes or risk getting soaked (or sunaked, as it's now referred to). Aki got caught on her bike ride home from Rowing Club. Read some Dickens. We had mussels in a cream sauce for dinner, followed by my Spanish fish and chorizo stew with flageolet beans, and I made a dessert using a shortbread biscuit I'd bought on Friday, crushing it up to form a buttery biscuit base, and topping that with cream, strawberries, and ice cream. Nowt much on telly so read some more Dickens, and listened to my baritone parts on several of the Kinks songs I've been rehearsing with Vox Holloway. Bath and bed...

Saturday 25th May 2024

Alarm at 0700...we are expecting a delivery, so had to haul myself out of bed and unlock the padlock on the garden gate. Made tea. Sat at the computer working for a bit. Made pancakes for breakfast once Aki had rolled out of bed. Did some chores...Aki in the garden; myself on vacuum cleaner. Walked to Stoke Newington in the sunshine, and did a little window-shopping down Church Street. Bought a falafel salad box to share...we ate in Abney Park, then crossed the road to the Tower Theatre. Piers showed up, and we took our seats in the theatre for "Measure For Measure". George, the director, had elicited pretty good renditions of the text from his actors, some better than others, but everyone, with the exception of the girl playing Isabella, seemed pretty stiff to me, which meant the comic scenes with the bawds didn't come to life. It was a bit long...the first half was 90 minutes, but we managed to sit it out and escape to Rasa on Church Street for dinner afterward. Aki and I walked home from there, stopping off for a swift half in The Plimsoll near Finsbury Park. Grace Dent had recommended the food here, but we thought the place looked pretty grubby...I wouldn't fancy eating there. Walked home via M&S. Watched the FA Cup Final, Manchester United coming out deserved winners over Manchester City, but it wasn't the most exciting Cup Final. Early bath and bed...

Friday 24th May 2024

Woke to Aki’s alarm at 0700. Dozed for a bit before rising. Porridged. Aki cycled off to Camden Town for her meeting. I hung the washing out in the back yard. Headed out on inspections…on foot today. Walked to Tufnell Park Road where I hopped on a bus toward Junction Road. Traipsed the surrounding streets knocking on doors. Got into about 14 before looking for somewhere to have lunch…ended up in the Bread & Bean near Archway station. Enjoyed the overpriced avocado on sourdough, with a poached egg on top. Took a No.17 bus late afternoon to Kings Cross and finished my inspections on a development in Killick Street. Took a No.91 bus back home, popping in at Morrison’s on the way. Warmed up the fish curry for dinner, which we ate with daal and roti, with chocolate brownie and ice cream for afters. 

Thursday 23 May 2024

Thursday 23rd May 2024

Woke about 0815...feeling very weary. Rolled out of bed before 0900 and cooked pancakes for breakfast. Took a North London line train from Finsbury Park to Moorgate. Walked through Finsbury Circus, which is being completely re-landscaped post-Crossrail works. A lot of new office blocks going up in the vicinity. We met Aki's financial adviser, Stuart Johnstone, at his office in a huge co-working edifice, and then wandered the streets looking for a table in a cafe where we could sit and have a coffee. Ended up in a pub in Broadgate Circle. Stuart took Aki through her plan, and he seemed content that everything was on track. We left him at about 1230 and walked to the Barbican, and then up White Cross Street, to Old Street, seeking out a ramen noodle bar that had been recommended to us by a Japanese chum of Helen and Martin, who we had met at Helen and Martin's Burns' Night in January...she works there, but wasn't due in until the evening shift. We ate tonkotsu noodles in pork broth...tasty enough, but I can't say I liked the bar's interior...I won't be rushing back. Hopped on a No.55 bus into Bloomsbury, then killed some time window shopping in Covent Garden, before heading for the Garden Cinema. We had £5 tickets for the 1510 showing of Italian movie, "La Chimera", a magical piece by writer/director Alice Rohrwacher...we had very much enjoyed her earlier film, "Happy As Lazzaro", which we stumbled upon during Lockdown, and her short "La Pupille". Caught a Piccadilly Line train back to Holloway Road station, and walked home from there. Aki made a mango salad to go with the remaining chicken thighs I'd cooked at the weekend. Talked to Kath about dad's up-coming hospital appointment...he's to be tested for signs of bone cancer a week tomorrow, having produced an unusually high PSA reading. Kath can't drive him in to the Freeman as she's working, and Jim's away, so I said I'd go up on the train next Wednesday, and stick around until the weekend. Aki needed to be up early tomorrow morning for a work meeting in Camden Town, so early bath and bed...

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Woke late...thought I heard the doorbell at about 0900, so rolled out of bed, opened the inner front door, to find Lynne in the hallway holding a package...Amazon delivery of Aki's rowing cap. Made tea. No porridge left, nor bread, so made a pancake mix, and we had pancakes with fruit and yoghurt...very nice! Got enough batter to last maybe another two days! Worked at the computer until breaking for lunch at 1345. Aki popped out to Waitrose. I stayed home and did some exercises, and a little voice work. Read some Dickens. Aki cooked a mapo for dinner, which we ate on the sofa whilst watching MasterChef. It was the Final tonight...a deserving winner in the form of a second generation Indian from Chelmsford, whose day job is a veterinary surgeon...he was certainly good at cutting up the meat! Watched Rishi Sunak in the pouring rain announce a General Election from a pulpit outside No.10 Drowning Street. Hopefully, we can finally rid our country of this failed Tory government...bath and bed.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tuesday 21st May 2024

Woken at 0715 by loud hammering coming from the building site at the back of us...Aki made an online complaint to the Council about it. Managed to nod off. Read in bed for a bit. Rose at 1030 and porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch at 1315. Fried some sardines to make an agrodolce on garlic toast. Worked at the computer for another couple of hours. Did some exercises and warmed the vocal cords up a bit before an early dinner. Aki cooked hake and Ancho chilli black beans. I walked to St Luke's on Hilmarton Road in the rain. Worked through about six songs this evening...my voice was tiring toward the end, but enjoyed it. Harvey is so great to work with...sunny, up-beat, patient, and humourous. I was still raining on the walk back home. Got in at 2145. Watched The Ten...astonishing story on there about Craig McKinley MP who lost both arms and legs to sepsis, and now has prosthetic limbs...his positivity was nothing short of miraculous! Bath and bed...

Monday 20th May 2024

Aki up and away early to get herself to Rowing Club...she's helping guide a party of seven French rowers down the River Lea to Limehouse today. I got up at 0930. Porridged at the computer. Worked through until 1345. Made some lunch, and cooked a pizzaiola sauce to have with some tortelloni for dinner tonight. Walked to Finsbury Park station and took a Piccadilly Line train to Holborn, ambling round to the Garden Cinema in Parker Street, where I had purchased a £5 ticket for this afternoon's showing of "Blackbird, Blackbird, Blackberry". Got home at 1815. Aki had warmed up the pasta sauce, and we ate hastily before walking up to St Saviour's for Gospel Choir rehearsal. Bit of a low turnout this evening, but enjoyed learning a couple of new tunes. Walked home in the balmy evening air, popping in at Tesco's on the way to buy some milk. Watched MasterChef before The Ten, and then jumped in a bath. Read some more Dickens on the sofa afterward, before finally retiring for the night...Aki already fast asleep after a busy day on the water.

Sunday 19th May 2024

Another slow start...I'm evidently getting in the mood for a life of retirement slovenliness! Aki cooked brunch. Lovely weather out today, so we decided to take one of my Dickens walks, catching a No.17 bus to Holborn Circus. Walked down Charterhouse Street, turning left into Ely Place to take a look at a 12th century church, St Etheldreda's, tucked away in a Georgian terrace. The interior sports several figurines, mounted high up on the walls, each one commemorating a Catholic martyr, presumably burnt at the stake in nearby Smithfield. At the bottom of the street, we turned into Saffron Hill, in Dickens' time an area of slums, where Oliver Twist was housed by Fagin and his gang. St Andrews House, tucked away behind a rather gross 80s era office block, was built in 1870, and was the first Council housing to be built in the country. We happened to bump into a lady outside the gates who enquired what we were up to; she turned out to be the property manageress, and she gave us a little background to the current use of the flats...they are, rather ironically, now owned by global mining conglomerate Anglo-American, and house their overseas employees when on working visits to London! We walked down Farringdon Street to get a view of Holborn Viaduct, built in the 1860s to bridge the Fleet valley, then on down to Ludgate Circus, turning left towards St pauls, and then left again into Old Bailey. The Edwardian courthouse was erected on the site of Newgate prison, and crowds would often congregate in the open space between the prison and the church on the corner of Giltspur Street, to watch a good hanging...the noose would be tightened as the church clock sounded 0730. We wandered up to Smithfield, where there is a memorial to William Wallace who was hung drawn and quartered in the field there in 1305. Looked inside St Bartholomew's church, another 12th century edifice, which was built at the same time as the famous hospital next door. Walked through the Victorian Smithfield dry meat market, now under refurbishment...it will house the Museum of London, due to open in 2026. Walked on up St John's Lane, beneath St John's Gate, which in Dickens day was known as the Jerusalem Tavern, and where he and his fellow literati met once a year at a supper to mark the birthday of William Shakespeare. Ended the walk on Clerkenwell Green, with the House of Quarter-sessions on the western fringe of the Green. Wandered up to Exmouth Market and had tea and cake in Gail's Bakery there, before jumping on a bus back to Holloway. We went past several pubs on Upper Street, and Holloway Road, packed with Arsenal fans, spilling out onto the streets, watching the final game of their season against Everton...they needed a win, and for Manchester City to be held by West Ham at the Etihad. We got home and listened in to the R5Live commentary on the Man City game...they ran out comfortable 3-1 winners, handing the Sky Blues a sixth title under Pep's leadership ...remarkable stuff. I cooked a chicken traybake dinner with aubergine, potatoes, tomatoes, and torn bread, for dinner. Watched Simon Reeve travel through Alaska before tuning in to The Ten, and MOTD. Bath and bed...

Saturday 18th May 2024

Slow start to the weekend. Got up around 1000 and cooked a brunch. We took a walk down to Highbury Corner, and down Upper Street, doing a bit of window shopping on the way. Nice day; a lot of people out and about. I bought some expensive sunglasses at Vision Express...kitting myself out for our July trip to Lisbon. Aki bought a t-shirt in Muji, and we wandered back up to Highbury Corner to catch a No.43 bus to Nags Head. Popped in to Waitrose to get some odds and ends. 

Aki out tonight for dinner at the rowing club, where they are welcoming a party of Parisian rowers who have come over for a few days to row the River Lea (Aki is going on the Paris return trip in September). I ate at Eglal's supper club at the Upper Place. It's her last fling for a while, having sold Girasole, before she goes back home to Milan for a break and to re-group. I was planning on eating alone with my Dickens novel, but she had set up a long dining table with six places on either side. I found myself sat next to a young doctor, named Rachel, with her husband Guy sat opposite, on my left, and a young French girl named Oceana, and her Italian husband Gian-luca to my right. They were all good company, and the food was great. I had burrata to start, followed by a sea-food risotto, and tiramisu for afters. Got home about 2115. Watched Later...Elbow, and Idles, were among the guests. Aki got home about 2215...the welcome dinner for the French rowing party had gone very smoothly...she's due to help out on their rowing trip down the River Lea to Limehouse on Monday.

Friday 17th May 2024

Woke late, having decided to take a breather today. Read in bed before getting up to make a late brunch. Aki had work to do at the computer...a day's translating for a Camden-based design team who are travelling to Tokyo next week to make a presentation in respect of another luxury hotel development. I sat about and read some Dickens. Popped out early afternoon to take a pair of trousers up to the dry cleaner on Tollington Way, then walked down to Waitrose to get some odds and ends. Wandered round to the Upper Place at about 1830...Eglal was marking the demise of her Italian cafe, Girasole, with a little party, and some canapes. Piero was there, handing out little plates of pasta and sauces...but it didn't really amount to an evening meal. We chatted with David, who had worked for Eglal for six years...he starts a job in the restaurant at ITV studios in White City. Walked back home for something more substantial to eat...Aki fried off the last of her handmade gyoza, which we ate with stir-fried vegetables, and miso soup.

Friday 17 May 2024

Thursday 16th May 2024

Woke late...I stayed up a bit later than usual last night, reading Dickens...I'm now about halfway through "Our Mutual Friend". Got up at 1015 and porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch at 1345. Aki cooked up a cheese omelette. Got confirmation that we had tickets for the West End show tonight. Worked at the computer for a couple more hours in the afternoon. Broke to do some Kinks rehearsal. Aki made a crab pasta dinner. Met Kevin from No.93 outside our pad, and took a bus to Finsbury Park, and from thence a Piccadilly Line train to Covent Garden. Got to the Gillian Lynne Theatre in good time...we had tickets to see *Standing at the Sky's Edge", a National Theatre production centred around the songs of Sheffield guitarist Richard Hawley, following the stories of various tenants of the Park Hill flats through the decades. The book was a bit cliched...but the songs were great, and the band superb. We all enjoyed it, and walked back through Holborn afterward to catch a No.91 bus home. Bathed before bed at 0100...

Thursday 16 May 2024

Wednesday 15th May 2024

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club...I was still asleep when she left. I got up at 1015. Had tea and porridge at the computer. Broke for lunch at 1300...Aki back in time for a ham salad. Worked until 1745. Gayu from No.38 texted us to say she had a friend who couldn't use three tickets for the National Theatre production of "Standing at the Sky's Edge" tomorrow night...we replied that we would be interested...Kevin from No.93 interested in accompanying us to make up the threesome. Warmed up some pizzaiola sauce, which I poured over some tortelloni for dinner. Watched MasterChef. Bath and bed...

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Tuesday 14th May 2024

Got up at 0845. Still feeling a bit sore, but felt the mometasone was doing its job...fingers crossed. Had tea and porridge whilst sat at the computer. Broke at 1300 for lunch. Did some Kinks singing rehearsal in the back bedroom before returning to the computer. Aki cooked a chicken omelette for dinner. I walked up to St Luke’s on Hillmarton Road for this evening’s choir rehearsal…worked through ‘Walter’ and ’Last of the Steam Powered Trains’, an homage to Howlin’ Wolf’s ‘Smokestack Lightning’’. Really enjoying myself, but it’s quite hard work…got to hope my vocal stamina improves as rehearsals progress! Aki in bed when I got home around 0930…still feeling the after effects of her stomach bug. I watched The Ten and ran a bath before bed…

Monday 13 May 2024

Monday 13th May 2024

Woke around 0830. Got up and made tea. Sat at the computer for a bit before porridging. Broke at 1230 for lunch. Aki cooked up an udon noodle soup with egg. Climbed into the car afterward and did some inspections in Crouch End, Belsize Park, and Kentish Town before heading home. Aki cooked hake with beans for dinner. Walked up to St Saviour's for gospel choir rehearsal. Bumped into Simon from No.41...he confirmed that there had been a death at No.40 Saturday morning, though he couldn't confirm that it was Johnny. Didn't seem to be quite as many as usual, but we are sounding good! Walked some of the way home with Jean, one of the few black brethren in the choir...she's retired, and enjoying turning her small garden into an allotment. Got home and watched MasterChef. My skin complaint has flared up in my right groin...can hardly walk, it's so sore...had a soak in the bath and applied plenty of mometasone cream thereafter in the hope that it'll have calmed down by morning...

Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday 12th May 2024


Seemed to enjoy a reasonable night's sleep, though we were very slow to rise. Drank tea in bed before hauling myself out to cook brunch. Aki did a little re-potting of her tomato plants...I wandered over to Waitrose to do a bit of shopping. Very warm out there...26C today. Popped in on the boys at the DIY shop on my way home, and bought some powerful drain unblocker, in the hope that we can maybe get the bath going again...the shower is definitely out of commission, but I have a fear that the bath drainage is also finding it's way beneath the shower tray and causing the internal rising damp. Dunno what we're going to do about it! Stuck our heads in at the Olden Community Garden party...got there around 1600...it's a twenty minute walk from home, and situated on a railway embankment serving the North London Overground line into Moorgate. There was a hefty turnout, and we bumped into Kate from the Rowing Club...we sat and listened to a couple of folk bands, and a local community choir, in the sunshine, then Kate showed us around the Gardens...there's a little apple orchard, and a woodland section...all very well managed and looked after. Kate invited us round to her house in Battledean Road, and we sat out back sipping gin and tonics. She has a huge air-source pump in the back garden! Got home about 1900 and put together a salad nicoise for dinner. Watched a bit of telly, and rehearsed a couple of Kinks choral numbers before bed. 

Saturday 11th May 2024

Got a reasonably good night's sleep, though the bad hernia repair still giving me much grief, especially after having spent most of yesterday in the car. Aki feeling perky enough to get out of bed and make tea. We walked up to Yerbury Farmer's Market before brunch, to get a square-tinned sourdough from Roberto...I couldn't resist adding a slice of his fresh tomato and onion focaccia to the shopping bag. Walked home. A lot of police outside No.40. According to Paul at No.27, one of the young chaps who lives there, Johnny, who we saw singing a couple of his self-penned songs at the Open Mic night at the North Nineteen in January, over-dosed and was carted away in an ambulance...doesn't sound like he's going to pull through, by all accounts. I put together a tasty brunch, including the focaccia, with poached egg and a nice salad. Read some Dickens and did some exercises. Aki managed a little gardening. Chicken teriyaki for dinner, with rice and miso soup. Watched a bit of telly...caught up with "Race Around the World".

Saturday 11 May 2024

Friday 10th May 2024

Slow start this morning. Aki looking a bit perkier this morning. Got up and porridged before throwing a sardine salad packed lunch together, and heading off in the car on inspections in east London. Made for Bethnal Green, and Poplar, before heading out to Leyton and Walthamstow. Stopped in the car park at Leyton Flats and ate my lunch...lovely sunny day. Ended the working day in Edmonton, then turned for home. Got in around 1715. I made dinner...Aki still feeling a bit weak. I poached a salmon fillet in milk with cloves and onion, and used the milk to make a tasty sauce afterward...ate the salmon with sauteed potatoes and vegetables. Watched "The Boys in the Boat", a rather lame George Clooney-directed film following the exploits of an under-dog US varsity rowing team who end up taking gold at Hitler's 1936 Olympic Games...it was all very sub-Chariots of Fire, I'm afraid. They made some of the film in London, and bequeathed the 30s era replica rowing boat to Aki's Rowing Club. 

Thursday 9th May 2024

Woke around 0845, having had a much better night's sleep. Aki feeling better, but still has a dodgy tummy. She managed a little porridge for breakfast. I did a couple of hours at the computer. Broke for lunch. Nice sunny day, so resolved to head out on inspections this afternoon...took a bus up the Camden Road, before heading for Euston and the Kings Cross area. Hot work traipsing the streets...ended up at the British Library, and sat in the piazza with a coffee, before heading for home, via Waitrose in Granary Square. Stopped off at Carhaart, and ended up buying a summer shirt, and jeans (£200...!!!). Took the No.91 bus home. Aki still up, though feeling weak...she hasn't eaten very much over the last two or three days. But she seems much better. I finished off the tortelloni for dinner, with some pizzaiola sauce. Aki had some rice porridge. 

Thursday 9 May 2024

Wednesday 8th May 2024

Evidently did my bad hernia repair no good helping put the chairs out at the church last night...very uncomfortable night's sleep. Gave up at 0715 and got up. Aki still not feeling well, so she stayed in bed. Her stomach seems to be revolting at worryingly regular intervals...she wonders if she picked something up from the river when rowing on Sunday morning! I worked at the computer for a bit, taking breaks every now and then to rehearse my Kinks songs...working on "Victoria" at the moment. Made Aki some rice porridge...kept having to pop into the bedroom for cooking instructions. Lovely day outside. Took my constitutional up Highgate Hill, and sat on a bench in Waterlow Park to read some Dickens. Got home around 1700...Aki awake, and looking a little perkier. I did another hour or so on the computer before breaking for dinner. Finished off the pizza. Watched Masterchef with an episode of "Ripley" for dessert. Showered before bed.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Tuesday 7th May 2024

Woke at 0900. Got up and made tea. Aki feeling a bit better, but still not much appetite, though she had a bit of porridge for breakfast. I worked at the computer until 1315. Broke for some lunch. Aki had a bit of salad and some ham. Took a No.153 bus to Finsbury Park, and got on a Piccadilly Line train to Leicester Square. Walked up to Foyles for a coffee, then took a bus up Tottenham Court Road to Goodge Street to do an inspection around the corner. Popped in to a shop on Denmark Street and bought a Bb harmonica. Walked back down to New Oxford Street and hopped on a No.55 to Rosebery Avenue...another inspection, then took two buses back to Holloway. Warmed up the harissa roast chicken for dinner, and cooked some couscous to go with it. Aki got up and partook of a small portion. Walked over to St Luke's on Hillmarten Road...pleasant, warm evening. Got there early to sign up to Vox Holloway and pay my subs for the term...we are rehearsing the Kinks' Village Green Preservation Society album in its' entirety. I was the third person to enter the church, and Caroline took my subs. Got talking with the piano accompanist, very pleasant young fella named Rick. Slowly, the choristers filtered in for a 1930 start, followed by our leader, Harvey Brough. I started off in the tenors, but wasn't comfortable...a lot of high notes, and even some falsetto...I couldn't get anywhere near it, so gravitated to the baritone section after the tea break...much more comfortable! Helen Roe was there, and we had a chat at tea break...she hasn't sung this repertoire before. Claire from No.78  was also in attendance. I think I got off to a decent start, eventually...walked home afterward. Aki still in bed. I caught up with The Ten on iPlayer...enjoyed watching Trump squirm in court as Stormy Daniels took the stand. 

Monday 6th May 2024

Slow start this morning. Got up around 0900 to unlock the gate and make some tea. Aki feeling under the weather, so stayed in bed for most of the day. I breakfasted on peanut butter and toast, and a coffee. Spent most of my Bank Holiday Monday sorting out the recies folder, trying to tidy it up a bit, and add in a load of recipes that have been lying about for ages. It was raining pretty much all day, so nothing much better to do. Aki got up at lunchtime but didn't feel like eating much. I had pizza and a salad. Aki went back to bed. I cooked a pizzaiola sauce and had that with some tortelloni for dinner. Aki had a bit of the sauce with an egg, and a bit of toast, but went back to bed. I watched MasterChef, and episode 5 of "Ripley"...it was a difficult watch, as he committed his second murder, and then slowly but methodically cleaned up the scene and dumped the body in a car on the Appenine Way. Late bath and bed...

Sunday 5th May 2024

Woke around 0900. Aki got up to ready herself for Rowing Club. Porridged and teaed. Aki cycled off to Stamford Hill. I did some exercises then headed into town to walk one of the Dickens Walks from the book Aki had given me for Christmas. Took a Piccadilly Line train to Leicester Square and walked up to Foyles for a coffee in their airy cafe. Had to queue for the Gents...the bloke ahead of me complained that someone was hogging the cubicle, and was probably reading "War & Peace"...I replied that it was more likely to be "War & Piss", which got me my first laugh of the day. Caught a No.24 bus down to Parliament Square, and walked over to St James's Park to start the walk at Horse Guards Parade. Victorians used to take a detour here to get the time from the clock tower above Horse Guards, which, prior to the erection of Big Ben, was the most accurate clock in London. I then walked up to Pall Mall to seek out some of the early Victorian gas lamps, and on into a little Victorian courtyard named Pickering Place, which would have housed people in the four-storey tenements. There's a rare Georgian shop front next door for a wine merchants who have been there for over 300 years. Walked down Jermyn Street to look at the Victorian shop front to Paxton & Whitfield, purveyors of cheese by Royal Appointment. Bought some young Comte and a pork pie. Wandered through Wren's church opposite, St James's Piccadilly, and stop to listen to a free soul and gospel concert being given in the churchyard, and ate my pie. My walk then took me through Mayfair, via the Burlington Arcade...still guarded by the beadles of old...and then through Noho via Cavendish Square, ending the walk at Manchester Square, outside the Wallace Collection, housed in a large Victorian villa with semi-circular driveway. Ambled down Duke Street and tried a Martin guitar in the London Guitar Studio, but they didn't have much in stock. Took a bus down Oxford Street, and changed for the Piccadilly Line at Holborn, getting out at Holloway Road and walking up to Waitrose to get some chicken to cook this evening. Cooked harissa roast chicken thighs, with roast zatar potatoes and vegetables. 

Sunday 5 May 2024

Saturday 4th May 2024


Woke at 0745. Got up to open the gate then back to bed to read some Dickens. Cooked breakfast. Weather looked pretty good, so we took a constitutional, walking up Sussex Way, then via Elthorne Park and on up to Hornsey Lane, where we turned westward. Got a nice view of central London from the Archway Bridge. Wandered up to Gail's Bakery at the top of Highgate Hill and bought a couple of snacks for lunch, then repaired to Waterlow Park to find a bench and eat our vitals. Walked back home via M&S. Sat around and read some more before making dinner...a creamy mushroom and walnut pasta sauce with peas, followed by chocolate brownie and creme fraiche. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

Saturday 4 May 2024

Friday 3rd May 2024

Woke around 0830. Got up at 0900 and porridged at the computer. As the weather seemed to be holding up, I decided to head out on some external inspections late morning, so threw a packed lunch together, and climbed into the car. Headed east to fill up with petrol at Manor House, then visited various spots in Haringey, Islington, and Hackney. Got home around 1830. Aki cooked pork stuffed cabbage leaves for dinner...very tasty. Watched "American Fiction" on Prime Video...nice, snappy script, with some good performances, though it all got a bit trite towards the end. We had to hit the pause button to go out and watch the Greek fraternity from the church next door, set off down Sussex Way carrying their icon in a byre, and swinging some incense into the night air, in celebration of their Easter weekend...an annual treat. 

Thursday 2 May 2024

Thursday 2nd May 2024

Woken at 0400 by the sound of torrential rain or hail hitting the bedroom roof, and a loud and persistent thunderstorm. Didn't really manage to get back to sleep properly until around 0530! Woke again at 0900 and got up to make tea. Porridged at the computer. Broke at 1100 to walk round to Girasole for a coffee with Jane and Carlos from No.36...the cafe is due to close on Saturday, so we went to say our farewells to Eglal, who was busy organising a catering job, and disappeared with most of her staff shortly after we arrived. We all donned our complimentary Girasole staff t-shirts for a photo op. David stuck around to serve us coffee, and we had a catch up and bought up some of the stock before heading back home. Did a little more work before breaking for lunch...we pan fried a mozzarella and tomato panini we'd bought from Girasole, and enjoyed that with a generous salad. Worked at the computer for the rest of the afternoon. Aki cooked cod fillet for dinner, with butter beans and pancetta. Watched MasterChef, and Race Across the World before bath and bed...

Wednesday 1st May 2024

Aki up with alarm at 0730. She brought me a mug of tea. I got up and porridged, then wandered round to the GP surgery. Saw yet another new doctor...Dr. Sahar Abdulrahman...very pleasant lady. She's going to refer me to the spinal unit for a check up on my herniated neck. Headed into town on inspections...took the tube to Tottenham Court Road, then walked down to Holborn. Repaired to Foyle's Bookshop Cafe for a coffee, before hopping on a No.24 bus to Westminster. Something evidently kicking off either in Trafalgar Square, or in Whitehall, as the bus was diverted down Shaftesbury Avenue, so didn't get any where near Westminster. Had to walk up Victoria Street from Victoria station. Did some inspections before breaking for lunch at Pret a Manger on Victoria Street. Managed to get into about 15 units on two pretty rough 1920s era Peabody Trust Estates behind the Department for Work and Pensions. Had what looked like an XL Bully throw itself at me after I knocked on the owner's front door...it went for my forearm, but missed, and was manhandled back into the flat. Bit shook up after that! Managed to get round without further mishap, then headed for the bus stop...waited for about 15 minutes for a No.24 bus, but it was full, so walked down to Victoria Station and got the Victoria Line back to Finsbury Park. Aki cooked pasta and we finished off the cavolo nero sauce we'd made last weekend. Read some Dickens while Aki partook of a zoom meeting with her Japanese JCUK chums, then I went for an early bath and bed...exhausted.

Tuesday 30th April 2024

Woke around 0830. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and porridged. Threw a packed lunch together, and set off for east London. Inspections in Silvertown, then double-backed to cross Tower Bridge, for stops in Southwark, before heading south to Norwood...lunched in the car park at Tesco in Streatham. Crossed Lambeth Bridge, and ended the day in Marylebone, before turning for home. Got in around 1700. Worked at the computer for a bit. Walked up to No.127 where Katherine & George were hosting dinner for us, Brett from No.7, and Matthew, who works with Katherine on the community gardens, and his partner Peter. Matthew had had a short career as a theatre practitioner, and director, so we swapped tales of our experiences. The food was great...Katherine and George had cooked a tasty vegetarian bean chilli, with a delicious aubergine ratatouille, followed by Brett's raspberry cheesecake. Very pleasant evening. Got home about 2215 and ran a bath before bed...