Friday 26 March 2021

Friday 26th March 2021

Aki left for a site visit before I'd managed to get out of bed. No work to do today, so took up a chisel and made holes in the bedroom wall plaster where the former kitchen window had been filled in by the cowboy builders. Patch up plasterwork to commence over the weekend! Spoke to Tony McB on the phone. He is keeping sane by volunteering to deliver food parcels to struggling families in and around Hastings. I asked him where he was investing his monies, and he revealed he had been recommended a SIPP through a company called Vanguard. He seems to be getting a good return on his investments to date! I decided to close my Halifax ISA and transfer the funds directly into my pension pot, so spent several hours organising that! May go for a SIPP next financial year...need to buy a new car first, and maybe the freehold of our flat, so don't want to tie everything up in any investments for the present. After dinner it was a date with the Pandemic Playhouse Players, and a reading of Harold Pinter's "A Kind of Alaska"...a suitably timely piece about a woman coming out of a virally induced coma! 

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