Saturday 20 March 2021

Saturday 20th March 2021

Slow start this morning. Aki cooked brunch, then went out for a bike ride to Kings Cross. I languished on the sofa and listened to the final instalment of "Klara & The Sun"...looking forward to reading the novel. Watched as someone tried to open the door to the flats opposite...looked like a homeless chap, and we realised he was trying to force the door...he got increasingly frustrated. About 15 minutes into his exertions, two unmarked police cars pulled up, and he found himself surrounded by about 8 policemen and women....quite why so many needed to attend, I don't know! Then a police van rocked up, and he was eventually bundled in and driven away! Cooked a bolognese sauce to stick in the fridge-freezer, Watched a documentary on Aalvar and Ainio Aalto, the Finnish modernist architects and designers...very stylishly put together...made us want to visit Helsinki as soon as travel restrictions are lifted...though the News put the notion in some doubt, for this year, anyway. Looks like a staycation will be the only option this summer! 

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