Monday 15 March 2021

Monday 15th March 2021

Aki up early to chat with her mum in Tokyo. I did an hour's work in front of the computer, Aki disappeared for a site visit in Finchley. I headed off to inspections in north-west London, stopping off at Tesco in Harrow, before returning in time for lunch. Found myself behind a Royal Mail truck with an UBU reg...tried desperately to think of a riff on Ubu Roi but couldn't find a way of shoe-horning the Mail bit into the pun! Aki had managed to visit Big Jo, which meant Basque cheesecake for lunch! Out again in the afternoon, inspecting property in Tottenham, Walthamstow, and Plaistow. Spicy sausage and bean stew for dinner. Watched Fawlty Towers...genius undimmed! Followed by a tasty serving of MasterChef.

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