Wednesday 24 March 2021

Wednesday 24th March 2021

Feeling very tired after yesterday's exertions, so got off to a bit of a slow start, though I haven't got a great deal to do workwise at the's all gone very quiet again. Pottered about in front of the computer. Kath phoned while we were eating lunch...she doesn't think it worth hiring a cottage for a week, and that we'd be better off organising a few day trips with ma and pa in tow, and we concurred. Aki popped out to Waitrose this afternoon to get some odds and ends. Spoke to Katrina on the phone; Aki wanted to quiz her about her financial adviser's fees. I made a mushroom and anchovy sauce for dinner, which was partially used as a filling for Aki's homemade ravioli squares....what a palaver ravioli is!!! Still, it worked out in the end, and we had ice cream and plum spoom for pudding. Telly, bath, bed.

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