Tuesday 30 March 2021

Tuesday 30th March 2021

Aki up and about early, as she had work to do. I eventually got up for breakfast, and did some sanding of the plasterwork repairs I'd done yesterday. Tried painting over it with what was left of the touch up paint, but it is too old and viscous, and full of flakey bits of hardened paint that's fallen off the inside of the lid. Gave up, and walked up to Chris Stevens' to buy a fresh pot. Took delivery of Aki's birthday present...wrapped it up while she was on site in the afternoon; also took delivery of some replacement attachments for my CPAP machine...the DPD delivery guy took a photo on the doorstep, which popped up with a text later to confirm delivery. Pan fried duck breast for dinner, and tried fondant celeriac...wasn't particularly flavoursome, but will give it a go with potatoes for Aki's birthday meal on Saturday. Watched some telly. Aki happened upon a massing of black ants near the dishwasher as she made for the bathroom...they looked freaky against the white floorboards. I sprayed them with mint-flavoured rodent repellent, which sent them scurrying off in all directions...managed to kill a few. Not sure exactly where they are coming in from...looked under the dishwasher, and under the step down into the 'office' lobby area. It'll be the moths next, as they all start gadding about once the temperatures begin to rise...it's going to be 25C tomorrow!

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