Sunday 28 March 2021

Sunday 28th March 2021

Made croque madame for brunch. Kath FaceTimed us just as we started eating...we had a quick chat about possible dates for a late June meet up in Ponteland. I did some more plasterwork in the back bedroom, while Aki went off for a bike ride, and came home with some rhubarb. Zoom bombed Jim's mum and dad's 90th birthday celebrations in Southwell, and sang my song. Went down very well. Aki cooked baked trout for dinner, and I did a rhubarb crumble with star anise and almonds. Watched a bit of telly. Jim sent me the video his niece had recorded of the zoom party...I was mortified to discover she had recorded the meet, but on her iphone rather than directly from the zoom a result you can't see people's reactions to the gags, most importantly, no Bri and Barb in shot! Very disappointing indeed...can't quite believe it! 

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