Sunday 14 March 2021

Sunday 14th March 2021

Tony McB was about to open a show in Hastings, and celebrate his forthcoming marriage with a stag night, so I caught a train from London Bridge. I entered the train carriage and made my way down the aisle, but felt the people behind me pressuring me to move quicker than I was willing, so I made way, and three black musicians passed me, carrying their instruments. They bagged their seats, and I got talking to them about music, and said I might be able to get them some theatre work, so one of them gave me their card. Another complimented me on my large-print brown and yellow suit....and then I woke up! Cooked brunch. Read about the incomparable Michael Rosen's new collection of very moving prose poems, inspired by his near-death experience in a covid-induced coma up the road at the Whittington Hospital... Aki went for a short bike ride after lunch, before the rain came in again. I stayed home and listened to a recording of Beckett's "All That Fall" I found on Youtube...wanted to hear what they did with the sound effects. Aki cooked up some twice fried mackerel and tempura vegetables for dinner...very tasty. Bit of telly before bath and bed.

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