Monday 8 March 2021

Sunday 7th March 2021

Late start this morning....cooked omelette wraps for brunch, with salmon and cream cheese fillings. Aki had a long chat with her niece in Tokyo, and we FaceTimed Kath, who was entertaining ma and pa at Peary Close for lunch. Dad was hooked on radio commentary of the Newcastle game; Mum was guzzling the red wine...hope she didn't drive dad home!

I FaceTimed Jim Lister and gave him a rendition of the song he has commissioned to mark his mum and dad's 90th birthdays at the end of this month. I've done a reversal of When I'm Sixty-Four, the lyrics now looking back on a comparatively youthful 64th year! Seemed to get the laughs in all the right places, but it still needs a bit of tidying up.

Took advantage of some early Spring sunshine and walked to Highbury Fields. A lot of people about. Caught Carlos practising his saxophone at No.34...we had a jig about in his front garden, but he was obviously too wrapped up in the music to notice us staring through his window! 

Aki cooked a slow roast chicken for dinner...can't go back to the old way now...the meat is moist, tender, and falls off the bone...delicious!

Tuned into a livestream from Ronnie Scott's this evening, featuring the Electric Lady Big Band...big band jazz re-interpretations of songs from Hendrix's Electric Ladyland album...groovy!!!

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