Sunday 21 March 2021

Sunday 21st March 2021

Got up at 0700 in order to do my covid test...sample due to be picked up some time after 0800. Struggled to get the swab onto my gag reflex is second to none, and just taking the swab out of it's packaging had me gagging! Waggled it about a bit in the direction of my left tonsil, and gave up...then had to stick the thing up a nostril! Don't think I managed to do it properly, in all honesty...await the results with little enthusiasm. It's all part of an on-going study run by Imperial College, so not desperately relevant as far as my current day-to-day existence is concerned. Cooked pancakes for breakfast, then went for our constitutional, walking up Crouch End Hill to join the old railway line, and walking back down toward Finsbury Park. Lots of people about! Aki waited in vain for a train at Crouch End Hill station. Bumped into Kathleen in the street, who had just discovered a screw embedded in a rear tyre of her BMW. We popped in at Green and Glory for some vegetables, and I nipped into TescoExpress for some odds and ends. Bumped into Six and Julia and their kids...Six was wheeling his fold-up bicycle. FaceTimed ma and pa over lunch, and Kath joined in too. We briefly discussed the notion of finding a getaway venue on the Northumbrian coast come mid-June, assuming lockdown is sufficiently relaxed by then.
Accidentally FaceTimed Matt and Mimm...had a brief chat before my phone battery died. Matt said Uncle Pete was doing well, and getting visited once a week by members of the family. Watched some FA Cup football on TV this afternoon. Aki made some pasta to go with my ragu for dinner tonight. We tried the new series of "Line of Duty" but found it all utterly unconvincing...can't see what all the fuss is about, quite honestly. Booked a cottage for a week in August/September near Worthing for our summer break.

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