Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Tuesday 2nd April 2024

Woke at 0930 with lower back pain. Hauled myself out of bed at about 1030...porridged at the computer. Worked until 1400 while Aki did some hoovering. Broke for some lunch. Lynne from upstairs back from Zanzibar...she'd had a good time, though said the food was terrible..."they don't know how to cook out there!" Aki popped out to run some errands, so I nipped out to get her birthday card and some champagne, hoping to get home before her. I bought some chocolates in Girasole, and chatted with the chap behind the counter about places to visit on the south coast, then walked up to the gift shop on Stroud Green Road...spotted Aki looking at the pumpkins outside Green & Glory, but managed to stroll past her without her noticing. Bought a card in the gift shop, and some granite stones that you put in the freezer and can then stick in your G&T without risk of watering your drink down! Got a small bottle of champers in Tesco, and walked home...Aki got home 2 seconds ahead of me, and we met outside the front door, so had to confess I'd been on a birthday mission! Did a little more work at the laptop before breaking to watch The Six. Aki cooked a mushroom risotto with spelt for dinner...very tasty! Caught another silly episode of "3 Body Problem", then The Ten, followed by putting the bins out, bath, and bed...

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