Tuesday 16 April 2024

Tuesday 16th April 2024

Woke around 0830 and hauled myself out of bed to make tea. Porridged at the computer. Put together a packed lunch and headed for Manor House to fill up with petrol, and picked up a coffee at Costa. Drove to Stevenage, where I spent the rest of the day knocking on doors. Aki sent me photos of the tree, which, having come down onto the frontage of the property next door, was being attended to by a tree surgeon. Had my lunch in the Sainsbury's car park in north Stevenage, then got back to work. Managed to get in to a good proprtion of the nineteen properties that had been written to for the purpose...one or two that, in my opinion, should have been flagged up as Do Not Visits. Finished around 1730, and headed for home, stopping off to use the facilities at South Mimms Service Station. Got home at 1845. 

Kath had sent us a photo of mum's bruised right arm...it looked terrible, black and puce. Aki cooked hake for dinner, which she served on a bed of cannellini beans and vegetables...very tasty. Phoned Kath. She had managed to get mum to the RVI this afternoon, and the X-Ray had shown a fracture to her right shoulder...she has been given a sling, and has to return to the Fracture Clinic next week. Spoke to mum over the phone...she sounded tired, and said she was in a bit of pain now, and had been given some painkillers, but otherwise, seemed relatively up-beat about her prospects, which was encouraging. Watched two episodes of MasterChef before bath and bed...

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