Tuesday 9 April 2024

Monday 8th April 2024

Woke around 0900. Tea in bed...then porridged at the computer. Aki departed for lunch in Chinatown with one of her JCUK ladies. I broke for lunch at about 1315. Walked up the Holloway Road for my lunch in the little Turkish cafe near Archway...it was refurbished a couple of years ago, and this was my first visit since then...judging by the smooth jazz emanating from the house speakers, it now thinks itself a Parisien bistro. The shakshuka was very tasty, though. Walked on up to Archway Library to pick up my reserved copy of "Our Mutual Friend", then walked home via M&S. Bumped into Kathleen from No.51...she's been busy doing costumes for Moving Parts Theatre's forthcoming out-door production of "Much Ado"...Martin South playing Benedict, so will have to book tickets! Aki put together a tapas-inspired dinner, having had a big lunch! Watched a bit of telly, and read some Dickens before bath and bed...

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