Thursday, 4 April 2024

Thursday 4th April 2024

Woke around 0930 with a bit of lower back pain, so hauled myself out of bed and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Worked until lunch time, while Aki baked a sponge cake to take to Book Club this evening. I made lunch...potato cakes with poached eggs and Parma ham. Sat at the computer for most of the afternoon...had wanted to take a constitutional, but the rains came down. Tortelloni for dinner, with a chilli pesto sauce and fried tomatoes. Walked up to Book Club at No.110 Sussex Way carrying Aki's birthday cake. Full house this evening. "The Miniaturist" was largely well-received, though Gareth voiced some negative opinion, and I rather sided with him when it came to the over-wrought plotting. Aki's cake went down much so, there was nothing left to bring back home for tomorrow! We chose Javier Marias' "The Infatuations" as our next read. Walked home in the drizzle...

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