Sunday 7 April 2024

Saturday 6th April 2024

Woke late after a fitful night's neck giving me a lot of gip all of a sudden. Hauled myself out of bed. We cooked breakfast...halloumi, potato cakes, and poached eggs. Aki cycled off to the Yerbury School Farmer's Market to buy bread. Took our constitutional up Highgate Hill...pleasant day, though threatening rain. Popped in on the new exhibition at Lauderdale House, then walked round Waterlow Park, before descending to M&S at Archway, and walking home. I cooked a chicken tagine for dinner, first preparing a marinade, then slow cooking the chicken thighs on the hob. Very tasty, accompanied by baked couscous, and boiled vegetables from the Community Garden. Watched episode two of "Ripley", The Ten, and MOTD, before bath and bed. Neck felt better during the day, but giving me gip again come bed time...

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