Friday, 26 April 2024

Thursday 25th April 2024

Woke around 0830. Hauled myself out of bed. Aki made tea, and I porridged at the computer. Worked through until 1300. Wandered down to Girasole to buy some lunch, which I brought back to share with Aki. The staff confirmed the sad news that Eglal has sold up, and they are due to close on 4th May. She's been a credit to the local community. Aki went off to the hairdressers, and I got back to work at the computer for a couple of hours. Broke around 1630 and read some Marias...getting toward the end now. Warmed up a sausage and vegetable stew we'd discovered in the freezer...ate with orzo and steamed mange tout...very tasty! Watched MasterChef before bath and bed...

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