Tuesday 23 April 2024

Monday 22nd April 2024

Woke around 0830 feeling very weary...back still hurting, which somewhat disturbs my night's sleep. Got up for tea, and porridged at the computer. Did a couple of hours work this morning. Made cheese and mushroom omelette for lunch. Read some Marias and did some neck and back exercises. Managed to do another couple of hours at the computer, then broke early to read some more before dinner. Warmed up the last of the chicken domoda for dinner. Walked to Hanley Road for this evening's Gospel Choir rehearsals at St Saviours. Another hefty turnout, though some new faces in the crowd. We learnt a couple of songs, though I struggled with the key for the second one. Could really do with the dots. Bumped into the vicar...Matthew lives on Sussex Way, and used to organise the annual street party, before handing over organisational duties to Rebecca next door. We wandered home afterward. Watched a little telly before bath and bed...listened to Salman Rushdie's "Knife" in the bath, read by Art Malik.

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