Monday 9 January 2023

Monday 9th January 2023

Alarm at 0730. Fitful night's sleep. Odd pains in my left leg just below the ankle...never had them before! Disturbed enough to struggle to get back to sleep, so wasn't in the best of moods this morning. Porridged and heated some soup for my packed lunch. Drove eastward and picked up Leon in Upton Park, where he'd been waiting in Subway doing a bit of work online. Stopped for lunch at Tesco in Barking, sat in the car with my soup, then did a little shopping in the supermarket. Ended the day in East Ham having gotten in to seven units altogether, which ain't too bad...I reckon people aren't answering their doors as we look a bit like a pair of robbers! Dropped Leon at Plaistow tube station and drove home, getting there around 1730. Aki had cooked a ham, which we ate with some of the leftover potato gratin. Followed by Aki's homemade mishti doi with tamarind paste. Watched episode 1 of the final season of "Dead To Me"...trouble was it has been so long since season 2 finished that we couldn't recall what had happened, and who half the characters are, except in the vaguest of terms. Watched a bit of the second half of the Oxford v Arsenal FA Cup tie...Arsenal bossed it and it means Arteta will come up against his old boss Guardiola in the next round. 

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