Monday 30 January 2023

Monday 30th January 2023

Woke around up at 0830. Tea. Porridge (with chocolate in it). Made myself a packed lunch. Set off for the Blackwall Tunnel, stopping off at Manor House to get petrol, and coffee. Stopped to use the facilities at M&S in Charlton. Bought a nice charcoal grey jacket. Inspections in Thamesmead, then double backed toward Greenwich. Stopped at IKEA to use the loos, and pick up some odds and ends in the food hall. The traffic on the Blackwall Tunnel Approach was at a standstill, so ate my lunch in the IKEA car hadn't moved much by the time I finished, but I joined the throng. Broken down vehicle at the tunnel entrance causing the tailbacks. Headed east on the A13, picking up stock in Plaistow, and Dagenham, before turning for Romford and Chadwell Heath. Ended the working day in Chingford, then headed for home via the North Circular. Got in just before 1800. Cooked a mushroom risotto for dinner. Called ma and pa for a brief chat. Dad not feeling too well...complaining of occassional dizzy spells spells, but he sounded on good form when we spoke. Mum due at the GP tomorrow for a blood test. Worked for most of the remainder of the evening trying to finish stuff off so I can invoice for it at the end of the week. 

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