Tuesday 31 January 2023

Tuesday 31st January 2023

Woke around 0800....got up and made tea, which I brought back to bed. Got up at 0845. Porridge. Chucked some ingredients in a tupperware box for lunch, and headed south-east. Stepney was first stop, then on to Mile End, and Bromley-by Bow. Stopped at Tesco near Three Mills Island and bought some odds and ends, then embarked on a circum-navigation of the island. There are film studios there, and a Science Academy. Took a striking photo of the locks at Prescott Channel, with modern day Stratford in the background, then headed back to the car to eat my lunch. Ended the working day in Barking, and turned for home. Aki feeling a bit under the weather...thinks she may have picked up a bit of a stomach bug at the dinner on Friday evening. I cooked dinner...baked cod with lemon and dill sauce, with rice and sauteed potatoes. Fridge cake to follow. Did some work at the computer before bath and bed...

Monday 30 January 2023

Monday 30th January 2023

Woke around 0800...got up at 0830. Tea. Porridge (with chocolate in it). Made myself a packed lunch. Set off for the Blackwall Tunnel, stopping off at Manor House to get petrol, and coffee. Stopped to use the facilities at M&S in Charlton. Bought a nice charcoal grey jacket. Inspections in Thamesmead, then double backed toward Greenwich. Stopped at IKEA to use the loos, and pick up some odds and ends in the food hall. The traffic on the Blackwall Tunnel Approach was at a standstill, so ate my lunch in the IKEA car park...it hadn't moved much by the time I finished, but I joined the throng. Broken down vehicle at the tunnel entrance causing the tailbacks. Headed east on the A13, picking up stock in Plaistow, and Dagenham, before turning for Romford and Chadwell Heath. Ended the working day in Chingford, then headed for home via the North Circular. Got in just before 1800. Cooked a mushroom risotto for dinner. Called ma and pa for a brief chat. Dad not feeling too well...complaining of occassional dizzy spells spells, but he sounded on good form when we spoke. Mum due at the GP tomorrow for a blood test. Worked for most of the remainder of the evening trying to finish stuff off so I can invoice for it at the end of the week. 

Sunday 29 January 2023

Sunday 29th January 2023

Woke around 0815 after a comfortable night's sleep...nice firm mattress. I got up and made my way downstairs to make some tea. I boiled a kettle, but couldn't find either the mugs, nor the teabags...fortunately, Colin appeared and helped me out. He said he'd managed to get Trudi to bed around about 0200!!! Despite this, he decided to accompany Aki and I to Cafe Elka at 1015...we walked there from Modena Road. Met up with Alicia for brunch...sadly her boyfriend was unable to come and meet us, so it was just the four of us for brunch. We had invited Charlie, but she was gearing up to go watch the Brighton v Liverpool Cup game at the Amex. Had a lovely catch up with Alicia, though...food wasn't bad either, though a bit pricey! She's training in oncology and urology, and is commuting to Eastbourne two or three times a week. Her fella is a mechanical engineer...not sure who he's working for, but he's not enjoying it very much, apparently, and is looking for another job, either in Brighton, or London. Colin walked home afterward to see if Trudi had gotten up yet...we walked Alicia down to the esplanade to show her Dave Gilmore's house, and then walked along to the new Rockwater bar and restaurant to grab a coffee. It was bitterly cold on the sea front, so we needed warming up! Had a good laugh, and got updates on various family members, before heading back to Colin's, parting with Alicia on a street corner to say our farewells...lovely lass! Watched a bit of the first half of the Brighton game on the telly with Colin, before deciding to head home. Drove along the front, turning left opposite the pier to pick up the A23, and head northward. Got home about 1630. Watched the Wrexham v Sheffield United game...great Cup tie, complete with Hollywood movie star in the home crowd...stirring 3-3 draw. Warmed up the venison hotpot for dinner, with cabbage, carrots and peas on the side, followed by fridge cake and creme fraiche. "Happy Valley" before shower and bed...

Saturday 28th January 2023

Woke to a slow start, but a lot to do today. Aki up and at 'em...she made tea, and prepared porridge for breakfast. I got up and we ate. I got up on the bedroom roof to tidy up after last week's build. Collected up all the moss that had fallen off the neighbouring church roof, then washed the skylight. Tidied the ladder away afterward...the garden shed needs a good clear out! Hardly room for my ladder! Aki jumped in the shower, and I packed an overnight bag, then we set off for Brighton in the car. Traffic not too bad, though it was a bit slow getting through the Blackwall Tunnel. We took a detour off the A20 at Sidcup, and stopped for lunch at a farm shop...it was packed, so we opted for a takeaway and ate in the car overlooking fields of horses.

Stopped off at Waitrose in Hove to buy some booze before rocking up at the Yates's house in Modena Road. We were joined a little later by Andy "My Word is my Bond" Widdup and his wife, Kim, who had come by train from Cuckfield. Trudi had cooked a belated Burns supper...haggis, neeps & tatties. Enjoyed a catch up. Hadn't known that Kim had suffered 12 months debilitating long-covid, but she's put up a fight, and is now back on the tennis court! Andy gearing up for retirement, as is Colin, who has slashed his hours and is semi-retired. Trudi is contemplating doing an online course in interior design, a long-cherished hobby...she likes the Arts & Crafts movement, and has always decorated her abodes after this fashion, though I'd imagine it a bit niche. Andy & Kim got a taxi back to Hove railway station...Aki and I stopped the night. Trudi had gotten rather inebriated, and was obviously up for drinking into the early hours...Aki and I dashed off to bed before we got roped in!!!

Friday 27 January 2023

Friday 27th January 2023

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club. I dozed in bed for a bit, then got up and made tea...got back into bed to read a bit of "A Burning", the last but one Book Club choice...I'm still catching up after only finishing David Copperfield yesterday! Got up and made porridge. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. I spent most of the morning at the computer doing research on a couple of small jobs. Broke for lunch when Aki got home. I popped out to Waitrose to get some milk and some ingredients to make a venison hot pot for my dinner tonight. Bumped into Duncan from No.9 on the way back home...had a chat in the street, and promised to give him a knock if I was playing the N19 open mic nite. Made us a tasty salad with chorizo tortilla and bresaola for lunch, then got back in front of the computer screen. Aki headed out for Marylebone...she has been invited to a farewell dinner for her former Takenaka boss, who is due to go back to Japan. I started cooking around 1730, and realised that it needed 4 hours in the oven! So I dined on a tin of dried fish in fermented black beans that I'd bought in the Chinese supermarket in Colindale a month or so ago...ate it cold, with rice and quinoa. The fish looked like a mummified child's foot, but the black beans were very tasty, if a bit on the salty side. Watched Man City knock Arsenal out of the FA Cup. Aki got home, a little tipsy after her office reunion, at around 2315. A few old faces had been there...Naomi had come over from Paris especially! Shower and bed...

Thursday 26 January 2023

Thursday 26th January 2023

Woke around 0800...dozed to R4 until about 0830.Got up and porridged. Did a bit of work at the computer, but spent the rest of the morning writing up my CPD on my CPD recording page on the RICS website. Broke for lunch...Aki cooked up a tasty noodle soup. Spent most of the afternoon finishing an RICS web-based course on Party Wall disputes....very tedious, but managed to finish it before tomorrow's deadline. Did a bit more work preparing stocklists prior to heading out on inspections again next week. Cooked a tomato sauce which we had with pasta for dinner. Rachel's Divine Rice Pudding for afters, with raspberries. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Wednesday 25th January 2023

Aki up early to prepare for Rowing Club. I dozed in bed for a bit, then got up and made tea and chocolate porridge, which I took back to bed with me. Read some DC...two more chapters to go! Got up and did some work at the computer, tidying up after our final day of inspections in east London yesterday. Aki came back, so I broke for some lunch. we had some of her homemade leek and potato soup. I worked through until around 1630. Cooked pork shoulder for dinner, with potato rosti, and vegetables, followed by cheese and biscuits. Did some more DIY work on the cupboard above the boiler....stuck a handle on, and screwed two magnets in place to hold the cupboard front. Looks good. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Tuesday 24th January 2023

Woke around 0700. Funny gurgling noises coming from the bedroom radiator...must try bleeding it, if I can find the bleed key! Bit perplexed, after last night's shenanigans, to find the underfloor heating manifold all lit up and appearing to be in working order...which only increases the mystery surrounding last night's explosion...what the hell was it!? Climbed back into bed, and dozed to R4 until 0810. Got up and porridged, and threw a packed lunch together, before heading back out east. Picked Leon up at Leytonstone, and got a coffee at the Costa stall in Tesco's. Slow going this morning, but got in to a couple of properties. Lunched in the car in Tesco's car park at Bromley-by-Bow. Nice biew of the old oasthouse on Three Mills Island.  Then drove out to Dagenham. Ended the day in Becontree, having gotten into 5 units, which brings up a grand total of 72!!! Hopefully, that will suffice...can't take much more! Dropped Leon at Dagenham Heathway tube station, and headed home. Traffic snarled up in Hackney. Got home around 1845. Aki cooked mackerel with rice and miso leeks, followed by fridge cake and creme fraiche. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...exhausted!

Monday 23 January 2023

Monday 23rd January 2023

Woke around 0730 and dozed to R4 until 0800. Got up and made tea. Porridged. Slung a packed lunch together and headed back out east to pick Leon up at Upton Park. Slow getaway, as I hadn't expected the car windscreen to be frosted over again...thought milder weather was forecast! Got to Upton Park a bit late. Leon hadn't much to report regarding his weekend. I told him about my DIY exploits. Started off in Manor Park, then headed for East Ham, followed by coffee break at Tesco in Barking. We lunched in the car at Alexandra lake on Wanstead Flats, doing a bit of bird spotting...the lake was largely iced over, and the place was rammed, like a mini-Serengetti! Ended our inspections for the day in Maryland, and dropped Leon off at the tube station in Leytonstone. Popped in to Tesco to use the facilities, then drove home. Aki cooked a strange tomato and egg curry, which we had with pilau rice, followed by chocolate fridge cake and creme fraiche. Watched a bit of telly. Our viewing was disturbed around 2145 when there was a loud pop of an explosion...we were baffled as to it's origin. We checked all the cupboards, and I checked the circuit board to see if anything had tripped out. We opened the cupboarding to the under-floor heating manifold and discovered the green light had gone out on the pump, so suspect the pump has gone! Presumably it has something to do with the handiwork of the boiler installers last Wednesday, but not sure how we are going to be able to prove that! So we are now heating the whole flat from a single little radiator in the office space...

Sunday 22 January 2023

Sunday 22nd January 2023

Aki up to make tea, and start on brunch...too cold to consider going rowing, but one of their number was celebrating a birthday, and they were having a gathering over Sunday lunch in the clubhouse. I declined the invitation, as I needed to progress the DIY on the boiler cupboard. I managed to glue a runner apron to the wall, around the hole which had taken the poorly fitted over extractor hood flue, and glued a circular grille onto that successfully. I nipped over the see the boys in the DIY shop on Hornsey Road, and bought a couple of cupboard door magnets. Aki had cycled off by the time I returned. I lunched on cheese on toast and fridge cake, then set about building a frame to take the top boxing cover...I then had to cut some MDF for the boxing cover, by which time it was getting dark (I had set up the workmate in the back yard). It fitted like a glove, but I broke to make dinner before I could fix it more permanently into place...made a chicken fricasse for dinner, with fried potatoes and some vegetables on the side. We ate it on the sofa watching Jon Snow in Japan as he researched the possibility of longevity as he enters old age. Watched "Happy Valley" before the News...then read some David Copperfield before shower and bed...

Saturday 21 January 2023

Saturday 21st January 2023

Woke around 0730...too cold to get out of bed. Eventually got up and brought Aki some tea. Nice sunny morning, but freezing outside. I cooked brunch. FaceTimed Kath, who was showing off her new hair cut...looks good. Tried Mum and dad, but no reply. They must have gone out for a drive. Put the old boiler cupboard door back in position, then had to figure out how to re-build the under-floor heating manifold cupboard, as I've lost an internal shelf that I previously screwed the frame to. Spoke to Margaret and John on the blower...they'd been out for a jaunt in the car to soak up the winter sunshine. Bread and cheese for lunch. Aki popped out to Waitrose to get some odds and ends. Adapted the lower cupboard door frame, and fitted it...looks OK, but not as snug a fit as originally conceived. I'm going to have to cut a new top piece from some MDF that's been hanging about in the cupboard under the stairs. Hopefully will manage that tomorrow. Made some chocolate fridge cake. Aki cooked a fish supper, followed by the last of the apple crumble and custard. Watched Lucy Worsley's interesting telling of the first witch trials in Scotland, which James I brought south of the border on accession...and an vibrant documentary on the New York ghettoes and the beginnings of hip-hop. 

Friday 20 January 2023

Friday 20th January 2023

Alarm at 0730....got up at 0830 and made tea. Porridged and put a packed lunch together. Headed back to Chingford Mount in the car. Nice sunny day, but a bit chilly. Got into a couple of properties in Chingford Hatch, then drove to Waitrose in Woodford to use the facilities. Then swooped down to Manor Park. Had my lunch in a car park on Wanstead Flats, overlooking Alexandra Lake. There were hordes of geese, seagulls, and pigeons roaming about...stayed in the car for fear of having my lunch stolen. Ended the day in Dagenham, and managed to get some paint on the back of my expensive Barbour jacket in the last property I got into...the tenant warned me after the event! Didn't appear to be too bad, though,...managed to brush most of it off. Turned for home as dusk approached. Stopped off at the mega Sainsbury store at the junction of the A13 with the North Circular. Got home at 1900. Warmed up some beef stock I'd bought yesterday, and chucked in some vegetables to make a simple broth, and cooked some beef shin tortelloni in the broth...tasty enough. Followed by apple crumble and custard. Watched a bit of telly before bed...

Thursday 19 January 2023

Thursday 19th January 2023

Alarm at 0730...too tired to rise before 0900...felt like I'd spent yesterday putting a new gas boiler in!!! Hauled myself out of bed and porridged. Threw a packed lunch together. Aki cycled off to the clinic in Kentish Town for a cancer screening (later got the all clear). Had to scrape ice off the car windscreen before driving out to Chingford Mount. Didn't have any luck there, though got a couple of "Come back tomorrow"s....traffic in Chingford Mount almost at a standstill due to roadworks. Still, I get paid by the hour! Drove to Woodford Green to use the facilities at Waitrose. Had my lunch in the car park overlooking the A406 North Circular. Drove on down to Manor Park. Got into a couple of houses near the station, then drove on to Becontree and Dagenham. Only managed to get into three properties today! Still, I get paid by the hour! Turned for home as dusk crept over Havering. Aki cooked up a tasty chicken and walnut pasta dish for dinner, and prepared some aduki bean porridge and mochi (oshiruko) for our Book Club guests this evening. Jane, Katherine, Gayu, Polly, and George turned up to discuss "A Burning", which I hadn't read, as I got behind on David Copperfield because of the Tower Theatre play. We chose "Right-ho, Jeeves" by P.G. Wodehouse, and Polly revealed her uncle Dick had written books on Wodehouse, and looked after a small museum in P.G.'s old house. I suggested we try and read his "Wodehouse At Work" as a companion piece, if we could find it. Chucked them out at 2230. Shower and bed...

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Wednesday 18th January 2023

Woke to alarm at 0700. Got up and made tea, but got back into bed to drink it! Aki got up and prepared porridge...I followed shortly thereafter. Put down dust sheets in anticipation of the boiler installers' arrival, and took the door off the boiler cupboard. They didn't turn up until about 1000...two lads. They removed the top panel I had tried and failed to remove last night, though they damaged it...signs of erstwhile squirrel invasion. I put the ladder up in the back yard in preparation. They had quite a battle getting the old flue released from the roof membrane, which was worrisome. I got up on the roof and helped as much as I could. Nasty torn finish on the membrane, which hopefully the roofer will be able to tidy up. Aki popped out to visit Helen and Martin and use their loo! In the meantime, one of the roofers turned up. I showed him onto the roof, and despite my suggestion he go find himself some lunch while we waited for the new flue to go in, he said he was happy to wait on the frost-bound roof! The lads eventually got the new boiler in place. The Georgian roofer applied a sort of fibreglass and patched up the roof, and went on his way. Meanwhile, back at the boiler...we discovered they had thrown away our old receiver, so we had to scout round for a new one, though they claimed our old one wouldn't have fitted the front of the new boiler. In the end we had to fork out another £200 for a replacement!!! With the roof works costing £500, we are about £3,750 poorer than we were last week! Anyway, the important thing was to get the hot water and central heating back up and running before hypothermia set in...the lads finished around 1900! They looked exhausted! Anyhow, we have heat and hot water. I’ve got to work out how to put the cupboard doors back on now they’ve slightly reconfigured everything. Tidied up the dust sheets and hung them on the washing line…gave them a good beating. Aki vacuumed. Heated up the fish curry and dahl for dinner then flopped on the sofa to watch a bit of telly! Luxuriated in a hot bath before bed…

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Tuesday 17th January 2023

Alarm at 0730. Too weary to haul myself out of our warm bed until gone 0830. Warmed up with a cuppa tea, and a bowl of porridge. Heated up some of Aki's homemade mushroom and cauliflower soup to take for my packed lunch. No Leon today, so was able to delay setting off on inspections, and await the boiler installer's surveyor, who wanted to carry out a quick reconnaissance prior to tomorrow's installation. He arrived on time. He reckoned they would have trouble waterproofing the new vertical flue, and recommended we approach a roofer...so called Sergii who's team had applied the Sarnifil membrane, and left a message for him to make urgent contact...need him tomorrow, otherwise we'll be forced to postpone the boiler installation. I left Aki manning the phone lines and juggling contractors, and drove up to Waltham Abbey. First inspection of a house on Hertford Road was slow going...the Lithuanian man and wife who have lived there for 15 years were furious with the lack of repair work done over the years, and as their English was a bit challenged, I had to talk to their daughter over a mobile phone....thought I wasn't going to get out of there in one piece!!! After Enfield wash, I drove over to Chingford. Had my lunch in the car with a view across the London Basin. Stopped for some odds and ends at Morrisons, then drove on to Walthamstow. Only managed half-a-dozen internals. Turned for home at 1600, and got in around 1700. Aki had just returned from Highbury Pool. Worked at the laptop on the dining table for an hour or so. Aki put together a chicken stir fry, with rice, for dinner. Apple crumble and custard for pudding. Took a saw to the boxing above the current boiler, in the hope that I could cut it away in one piece, so enabling me to put it back when the installation is completed tomorrow...but my efforts failed. Hopefully I've given the chap a head start tomorrow morning. Watched a bit of telly before early night...need to get up early tomorrow morning to do some prep before the boiler men  arrive...

Monday 16th January 2023

Woke to alarm at 0730 but too weary to rise before 0830! I made us tea, and porridged while Aki sourced another quote for boiler replacement ...it came in £250 cheaper than the guy we spoke to yesterday, but the guy we spoke to yesterday can install it this Wednesday, so we went with him. I drove off to pick Leon up from Upton Park...traffic in Finsbury Park was at a standstill, so got there about 30 minutes later than usual. Stopped for coffee at Tesco in Barking, and ate lunch on a Council Estate in Plaistow, sitting in the car. Ended the day in a 22-storey tower block in Plaistow, which afforded views of Canary Wharf in the gloaming. Dropped Leon at Plaistow tube station, and turned for home. Aki cooked mushroom and anchovy pasta sauce for dinner, followed by apple crumble and custard. Watched the final two episodes of Jez Butterworth's "Mammals"...intriguing creation, as we suddenly went back in time to 1920s Paris, in the febrile mind of one of the characters, and the final frames consisted of a humungous hump back whale landing in chic west London street! Colin Yates phoned for a brief chat, and to invite us down to Hove for a late Burns supper on 28th...

Sunday 15 January 2023

Sunday 15th January 2023

Woke around 0845. Aki got up to ready herself for Rowing Club. As she left, I had just sat on the throne...2 hours later, I managed to get off of it!!! An uncomfortable experience...especially as the bathroom radiator isn't working! It meant I had breakfast for lunch. Sat at the laptop for a while after eating, recovering slowly! Booked a hotel in Aldeburgh for the night of Aki's 66th birthday, and tickets for the Beckett double-bill at the Tower Theatre. Wandered over to Waitrose to get a chicken to roast this evening. Aki returned, having also visited Highbury Pool...for a quick swim, with the ulterior motive of getting a hot shower...she has cycled, rowed, and swum today!!! I slobbed under a blanket on the sofa reading David Copperfield. I prepared dinner. Made paprika sweet potato fries, and a bread sauce...bit of a weird mix, and the sweet potato fries were disappointingly soggy. Watched "Happy Valley" which is getting very tense already. Calmed down with an episode of "Seinfeld". 

Saturday 14 January 2023

Saturday 14th January 2023

Woke around 0800. Aki brought tea, which we drank in bed listening to R4. We then noticed that the boiler had packed up...no heat, no hot water! This flat is becoming a plumbing nightmare! Had put Dave the Plumber off coming round to have a go at the shower tap, so had to phone him to re-engage him...at least boilers are his area of expertise, so hopefully he can at least diagnose the problem. made bruleed crumpets with fruit compote and yoghurt for breakfast. The doorbell rang...assumed it was Dave, but it was a couple of students from SOAS who are members of the Camden Workers International...they were fund raising in support of striking NHS staff, refugees struggling in the current Cost of Living Crisis, etc, so happy to give 'em £20 and raise a clenched fist on the doorstep. Had some lunch, then drove over to Helen and Martin's on Fairbridge Road to borrow an electric heater. We sat about reading in the late afternoon...Aki finished the Book Club read...I'm still on the last one, David Copperfield. Aki cooked up a tasty mushroom risotto for dinner, and we watched "The Quiet Girl", an Irish film that got into the top ten films of 2022. Sat on the sofa beneath blankets as the temperature dropped! Aki filled a hot water bottle for bed...

Friday 13 January 2023

Friday 13th January 2023

Woke to alarm at 0800. Aki up to ready herself for a site meeting. She brought me tea. Got up and porridged, and warmed some pea and ham soup for my packed lunch. Aki departed for Kings Cross, and I drove eastward to target East Ham and Plaistow. Took a coffee break at Tesco in Barking, and lunched in the car parked up in a side street. Managed to get into 8 houses today, so bringing the running total up to 40...over halfway there, now! Drove home via Hackney and Dalston. Aki at the computer when I got in, so I worked on my laptop at the dining table before cooking dinner...griddled lemon chicken fillet with a fruity cous cous, followed by cheese and biscuits. Watched a bit of telly...the Hairy Bikers were in Northumberland, visiting a Michelin starred restaurant in Wall, called Hjem...the chef is Norwegian, but sources his ingredients locally. Read some David Copperfield before shower and bed...

Thursday 12 January 2023

Thursday 12th January 2023

Woke at 0800. Lousy night's sleep...my damaged finger was very sore and kept me awake for a couple of hours. Aki brought me some tea. Got up and porridged, and slung a packed lunch together. Drove east once more, picking Leon up near Upton Park tube station. We revisited several postcodes, but didn't have much luck today. Took a detour to Tesco in Barking to pick up a coffee and some lunch items, before heading back toward Plaistow. Had gotten into only four units, one or two of them very grim, by the time we parked up for a late lunch overlooking West Ham Park. Needed a comfort break afterward, so drove to Tesco at Bromley by Bow, by which time it was pouring with rain and had got very gloomy. Decided to call it a day, as conditions were so unpleasant, and I dropped Leon off at Highbury Corner before driving to Harringay to stick some petrol in the tank. Got home around 1600. Aki already back and sat at the computer. I worked on my laptop at the dining table. Warmed up the parmigiana lasagne for dinner, followed by poached pear. Read some David Copperfield...some of the writing is getting a bit over wrought...repeated phrases in sentences that basically say the same thing over and again, which could be more economical. Don't think I'm going to finish it by the time Book Club meets next Thursday, though! Took bandage off my damaged finger...looks clean enough...I gave it a little soap and water under a running tap, then put a fresh band aid on it. 

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Wednesday 11th January 2023

Woke around 0800. Aki already up and about, as she had a work meeting in Camden this morning. I got up at 0830 and porridged. My damaged finger throbbing a bit this morning. Heated up some of Aki's homemade pea and ham soup for my packed lunch. Headed out to pick Leon up in Upton Park. Slow progress made before lunch. Stopped at Tesco in Barking to pick up some supplies and a coffee, then drove to inspections in Creekmouth. Looked for somewhere to park up near the river for lunch, but it's an industrial wasteland, so drove to a park to the east of Barking and parked up overlooking the boating lake. Ended the working day in Plaistow, and dropped Leon at the tube station before heading home. Got home around 1715. Dave the plumber came round to take a look at our shower tap and half took it apart...I wasn't convinced he knew what he was doing...he used a spanner instead of unscrewing the grub screw, and didn't seem to know how to put it all back together! He promised to come back on Saturday to try and extricate the cartridge. We plied him with a couple of portions of Aki's mishti doi for him and Lou to have as dessert. Had ham for dinner, with potato gratin on the side, and some vegetables, followed by cheese and biscuits. Read some David Copperfield. Hernia repair giving me a lot of gip today...uncomfortable getting in and out of the car, and sitting on the sofa. Presumably it was aggravated by last night's visit to the 100 Club! Too old to rock 'n roll...

Tuesday 10th January 2023

Alarm at 0730. Aki brought tea. Read some David Copperfield in bed before rising to porridge. Raining. It had been forecast so I had stood Leon down, as I didn't fancy tramping the streets in the wet. The replacement basket strainer and waste was delivered, so I spent half-an-hour or so removing the old one and fitting the new one....astonished to see the new one had the same cut out on the rubber seal! Anyhow, it seemed to work, though it was all a bit tricky, as I had to remove the overflow waste as well in order to get the whole thing from under the sink. Fingers crossed. I cooked ham and cheese omelette for lunch. We decided to cycle down to Hinton's plumbers' merchants on the Balls Pond Road, as there seemed to be a gap in the rainfall. It wasn't a particularly comfortable ride, and naturally the shop no longer stocked the shower tap we had bought from them 10 years ago (always buy two...or even three...of everything!). Cycled home to cook dinner. Prepared an aubergine parmigiana lasagne, and managed to slice through the top of the little finger of my right hand whilst trying to slice the aubergine lengthways on our mandolin. Aki bandaged me up, having had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago! 

Headed into town after dinner, destined for the 100 Club on Oxford Street to see Phil's band, Guitar Gangsters. They were supporting The Members, who I'd seen 47 years ago at the Reading Rock Festival! Got there halfway through Desperate Measures' set, and found Phil and his brother Pete hanging out near the merchandise stand. Phil bought me a beer. Enjoyable evening...it wasn't too packed, and there was a decided absence of youth in the audience...I was probably the youngest one there! Matthew Ibbotson (Sir Andrew Aguecheek), and Ruth (Malvolia) turned up, as well as a couple of other Tower members I didn't know. We left halfway through The Members' set...to find it pouring with rain on Oxford Street. I left them at the No.73 bus stop and caught a tube train from Tottenham Court Road station, then a No.259 bus from Caledonian Road. Got in just before 2300...

Monday 9 January 2023

Monday 9th January 2023

Alarm at 0730. Fitful night's sleep. Odd pains in my left leg just below the ankle...never had them before! Disturbed enough to struggle to get back to sleep, so wasn't in the best of moods this morning. Porridged and heated some soup for my packed lunch. Drove eastward and picked up Leon in Upton Park, where he'd been waiting in Subway doing a bit of work online. Stopped for lunch at Tesco in Barking, sat in the car with my soup, then did a little shopping in the supermarket. Ended the day in East Ham having gotten in to seven units altogether, which ain't too bad...I reckon people aren't answering their doors as we look a bit like a pair of robbers! Dropped Leon at Plaistow tube station and drove home, getting there around 1730. Aki had cooked a ham, which we ate with some of the leftover potato gratin. Followed by Aki's homemade mishti doi with tamarind paste. Watched episode 1 of the final season of "Dead To Me"...trouble was it has been so long since season 2 finished that we couldn't recall what had happened, and who half the characters are, except in the vaguest of terms. Watched a bit of the second half of the Oxford v Arsenal FA Cup tie...Arsenal bossed it and it means Arteta will come up against his old boss Guardiola in the next round. 

Sunday 8 January 2023

Sunday 8th January 2023

Woke around 0830. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club. She brought me a mug of tea. Aki cooked omelette for breakfast, then cycled off to Springfield Park. I cycled in to Stoke Newington. I was on the general auditions panel at the Tower, with Roseanne, who acts and dabbles in a bit of directing...and Louisa, who I'd never met before. Stephen Brasher ushered twelve hopefuls in, one after the other, and with the exception of a very ill prepared actress who insisted on delivering two pieces of dialogue, rather than monologue, everyone passed the admittedly rather low threshold. That said, there were three or four excellent prospects, and I look forward to hopefully seeing them in something at the Tower soon. We were finished by 1345, and I mounted my steed for the homeward journey. I hadn't gone far when it started spitting with rain...I decided to pedal on, and duly got a thorough soaking for my trouble. Aki was already home when a bedraggled version of myself washed over the threshold. I peeled my soaked jeans from my thighs, and jumped in the shower. Spent most of the afternoon recovering on the sofa watching FA Cup football. The Fourth Round draw saw Reading awarded with an away game at Old Trafford, and Sunderland will be away at Fulham. Aki warmed up the fish curry, and cooked a tasty dahl to go with it. Watched episode 1 of the final season of "Happy Valley"...Sarah Lancashire as excellent as per usual. Read some David Copperfield before retiring for the night.

Saturday 7 January 2023

Saturday 7th January 2023

Woke around 0900. Aki made tea. I got up and cooked a sizeable brunch. We ordered a new basket strainer and waste from Franke in the hope that I can fix the leak beneath the sink. Called mum. She sounded in fine fettle. They have another funeral to go to this coming week, though! It's becoming a recurring theme. Had some of Aki's parsnip soup for lunch, and walked over to Stroud Green to visit Green and Glory for some greens, amongst other things. Popped round to No.29 with the guitar effects pedal for Ottie. Julia's mum had come over from Germany, and we enjoyed a slice of her homemade stollen cake. Ottie showed us her new guitar and amp. and I plugged her in to the effects pedal...she's going to have a lot of very noisy fun with that! Came home and cooked a potato and spring greens gratin for dinner, with some broccoli on the side. It was OK, but doesn't really make a meal...it would make a tasty side dish to have with gammon steak, or baked cod. Watched episode 3 of "Mammals" on Prime with James Corden, who is really very good in it...cracking script from Jez Butterworth. 

Friday 6th January 2023

Alarm at 0730. Too tired to leap out of bed...Aki brought me tea, and I eventually got up and porridged. Did an hour at the computer. Prepared a packed lunch. Headed out east on my own, as Leon is off on Fridays doing coursework. Struck out toward North Woolwich again, to try and mop up some of the addresses where we received no reply yesterday. Got off to a good start, and made some headway. Needed to seek out the facilities at ASDA in Beckton, and ate my lunch in the car park. Ended the day in Custom House, and turned the car for home having gotten into eleven properties today...a big improvement on yesterday's tally. One or two odd tenants...the fellow who let me into his 4th floor flat, then triple locked the front door! And a guy who had no furniture in his living room....but I survived to tell the tale. Aki cooked salmon teriyaki with black rice and chestnuts, followed by cheese and biscuits. Watched the first episode of "Our Universe" on Netflix...looked at the links that life on earth directly inherits through eons of space time, in the form of starlight, or in earth's case, sunlight...it powers EVERYTHING...every single cell. We are starlight. 

Friday 6 January 2023

Thursday 5th January 2023

Woke to alarm at 0730. Very weary after yesterday's exertions in the field. Aki brought me tea, and I eventually roused myself to get ready for work before my apprentice, Leon, turned up. Porridged and abluted. Leon turned up on time at 0930 as arranged. He came in briefly to sit while I finished my ablutions. He's a young black lad, who has gone straight from school onto Savills' apprenticeship scheme. We jumped in the motor and headed for North Woolwich. He was very quiet in the car, spending most of his day glued to his mobile phone, but I managed to get a few laughs out of him over the course of the day. Stopped for a comfort break at ASDA in Beckton, if that's not an oxymoron, and ate our sandwiches sat in the car next to a park in East Ham. Didn't have as much success getting in to properties as we'd hoped...needed a 25% success rate, but more like 15%...at that rate it's going to be a long job! Dropped Leon off at Highbury Corner, and drove to Manor House for petrol. Warmed up the mushroom and chicken pasta sauce for dinner, followed by panacotta I'd bought at Tesco. Watched an interesting documentary on the real John Stonehouse story...he died three weeks after having a heart attack live on a TV chat show!

Wednesday 4 January 2023

Wednesday 4th January 2023

Woke to alarm at 0730. Aki got up and made tea, then readied herself for Rowing Club. I dozed to R4 for a little while, then got up and did some exercises before porridging. Aki cycled off to Springfield Park. I prepared some paperwork then headed for Pimlico via public transport. Walked down to Holloway tube station, as I wasn't sure if the tube train drivers were on strike today...if they were I could get a bus from outside the station, but it was all up and running. Changed at Green Park. Found myself a nice little cafe on Lupus Street and had a coffee and a pain au chocolate, before wandering the Tachbrook Estate, and Bessborough Place. Got a bus up to Victoria Station to use the facilities, then returned to Millbank to do some more inspections near Tate Britain. Ended up in a shopping mall near Victoria Station and bought a sandwich from the M&S foodhall in there, then got the tube back to Holloway Road. Popped in to Waitrose to pick up some odds and ends, then into the stationery shop to get some paper and clips. Walked home. Aki back at the computer, so I worked at the dining table on my laptop. Aki cooked up a Goan fish curry for dinner, and we had some of Katrina's chocolate and pistachio tiffin for afters. Listened to music and played some guitar before shower and bed...

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Set alarm at 0730 in an attempt to recalibrate my body clock in the run up to returning to work. Dozed to R4 for an hour or so. Got up and porridged. Read a bit of David Copperfield before getting back under the sink. Removed the rubber seal, and walked round to the bathroom showroom round the corner, where we got the Franke sink from about five years ago. But they were clueless, despite my showing them the old seal. The guy at the DIY shop on Hornsey Road suggested I visit the plumber's merchant on Hornsey Rise, so caught a No.91 bus up there in the rain. They were helpful, but suggested I get in touch with Franke. I walked back down Hornsey Road in the rain, pausing at Tesco to get some milk and some odds and ends. Aki cooked a noodle soup for lunch, then departed for Brixton, where she was due to meet Tokiko and her builder to thrash out some decisions on finishes. I re-sealed the kitchen waste so I could do the washing up, then did a couple of hours work at the laptop. Aki got home about 1645 bearing a loaf. I cooked up a creamy mushroom and chicken pasta sauce for dinner, which we had with manfredi and mange tout. Watched episode 2 of "Stonehouse" ...can't remember how the real story ended, so am hooked in to the bitter end!

Monday 2 January 2023

Monday 2nd January 2023

Woke around 0830. Hauled myself out of bed and made tea. Porridged (with chocolate in!). Listened to some music and read some David Copperfield. Margaret came round to the front door bearing mince pies and Christmas cake... Six walked past as we were chatting, and I congratulated him on finally ridding No.29 of the scaffolding that has been up for some months as they have had their roof extension built. The builders are still making a mess of the job internally, though. Sounds like he wished he'd never set eyes on them! 
I put lunch together, frying up some of yesterday's leftovers. Aki claimed never to have had fried yam potatoes before...neither had I! Tasty! We cycled off to Kings Cross mid afternoon, past the City Farm, and round the back of Pentonville Prison. We had tickets, courtesy of Jim's Christmas hamper, for "Corsage" at the mini-Everyman near Coal Drop Yard. It was excellent... mesmeric performances and cinematography. We repaired to granary Square Brasserie for dinner, to avoid having to wash up at home over a leaking kitchen sink! We enjoyed the burgers with thick cut chips, and a baby gem salad with a subtle truffle mayonnaise, parmesan, and chestnuts. Cycled home in the dark. My fingers were showing early signs of frostbite by the time we got home. Watched "Stonehouse", a quasi-factual dramatic treatment of the rise and fall of John Stonehouse MP. The script was pretty thin, but intriguing. 

Sunday 1 January 2023

Sunday 1st January 2023

Woke around 0800. Dozed to R6Music for a bit before getting up and making tea, which we drank in bed. Aki got up to make her traditional Japanese New Years Day soup, with homemade egg roll and fish cake on the side. She cycled off to Springfield Park for a Rowing Club meet. I had a look at a couple of YouTube videos on removing/repairing integrated dishwashers, but not sure I fancy giving it a go. Aki stayed out for lunch at the cafe next door to the Rowing Club, so I made myself some lunch. 

Aki came back shortly thereafter, and began long preparations for tonight's NY feast. Managed to FaceTime Kath...she was at High View keeping an eye on dad as he cooked dinner. Ma and Pa had had a quiet night and gone to bed before midnight. Kath had stayed up to see the New Year in with Stuart. They are off to Nottingham next weekend to see his brother. Aki served up a comprehensive Japanese feast, including huge tiger prawns, black sticky rice with chestnuts, tempura vegetables, lotus root, mashed sweet potatoes, yams, fish cake, and egg roll! It was delicious! When it came to my washing up, the dishwasher dying on us yesterday, I noticed a bit of a flood in the cupboard beneath the sink.

I spent a couple of hours trying to dismantle the trap beneath the strainer basket, but couldn't work out how to remove the overflow waste from the sink waste...there is no compression nut. The leaking is coming from the rear of the sink waste immediately below the sink, and I could feel that something wasn't right with the rubber seal. I eventually unscrewed the sink strainer, which allowed the sink waste to fall away from the underside of the sink, and ease the rubber seal off...it had been cut into at the rear, which leaves a bit of a weak point once the pressure is brought to bear by the strainer screw, and this is definitely the problem...can't fathom why the installer cut away a section of the seal's rim. I cleaned loads of gunk out of the strainer basket, and cleaned up as best I could, but the leak remains because of the cut to the rubber seal! 2023 has been a mixed bag so far...!!!