Sunday 27 December 2020

Wednesday 23rd December 2020

Slow start this morning...after a late breakfast, I walked to Hornsey Street for a blood letting appointment. Need my PSA count checked, as it's been awhile. Got a soaking as the heavens opened! By the time I got home Aki had made a Xmas card incorporating my pencil sketch of No.3 Sussex Way, encircled by a wreath...and we wandered up the street posting them through neighbours’ letter boxes. Bumped into Gareth outside No.120 and handed him his...he invited us to come and play tennis on Xmas Day morning! No bread left at Big Jo’s so I walked to Girasole...Eglal sold me a couple of par-baked croissants to stick in the oven for Xmas Day breakfast. Did some work this afternoon. Started watching the NT streaming of Dick Whittington...but we had laptop problems and gave up...besides, it's not the same in the round; it needs those naff pros. arch backdrops to be a proper panto. Watched another episode of The Crown instead...

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