Sunday 27 December 2020

Monday 14th December 2020

Worked at the dining table in my jim-jams until 2pm. Spent about an hour-and-a-half on the blower with Jermaine from IT...trying to find a way to efficiently upload photos! Eventually went down the iCloud route...should have done it sooner! Aki braved the covid-wracked environs of Lower Holloway with a trip to Waitrose. We are being promoted, or rather relegated, to Tier 3 on Wednesday, and there’s a new mutation prowling the streets. FaceTimed Kath...looks well, and will be back at work on Friday! Jim and Kath Whatsapped us for a quick catch up. Barney getting on famously with Guy Garvey, apparently, and cooking up a storm with Jesse Ware...looking forward to hearing the results next year...

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