Sunday 27 December 2020

Wednesday 16th December 2020

Aki up at 6.30 as she had an early site meeting in Finchley. She took the car. I pottered about doing Xmas cards and had a shower. Queued at the post office in the dank for stamps. Kath texted to say ma and pa’s covid tests had both come back negative...that’s a relief!!! Ambled to Waitrose to buy some pheasant breasts for Xmas day. Got some crab meat for starters, and some foie gras. Popped in to the Oxfam shop for more cards, and bought liquorice at H&B. FaceTimed the folks to congratulate them, and spoke to Kath. Watched first episode of Succession, which everyone is talking about...not v impressed...rather ham-fisted script, and annoying camerawork.

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